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31 Days to Becoming a Better Leader


Day #31 – Continuing Improvement


Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers. –Harry Truman

Read good books with a highlighter in your hand. Mark the passages that stand out. Put the book away and read others. Come back to this book sometime in the future and have a different color highlighter in your hand. Notice that you highlight different passages than you did previously. You are ready to learn something new that you weren’t ready to learn the last time you read that book. Repeat this periodically to learn new things and to remember what you have forgotten since the last reading.

Gather knowledge and apply the learning. Don’t just acquire facts uselessly. Practice what you learn and take notes in your journal about the results. Review your journal frequently and you will learn from yourself.

Leadership Resources *

Leadership Modules:

The Unbound Leader: Unlocking Your Inner Potential 





Websites and Articles:



* Links are affiliate links. Proceeds go to my nonprofit, SynerVision Leadership Foundation.

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