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Becoming a Better Leader Monday Momentum

Transformational Leadership

Rethinking  LeadershipTransformational Leadership

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” – John Quincy Adams

The definitive leader is a transformational leader. Transformational leadership was birthed from educational systems and the military.  The writings of BM Bass and JM Burns are cited in many, if not most, articles on transformational leadership.  In the best sense, transformational leaders equip and create community.  This community serves the articulated vision by building on the trust created through the integrity of leadership.

Transformational leaders are not intimidated by teams, committees, or boards. Conversely, they lead those groups to fulfilling participation with mutual accountability.  Empowering groups to find their creative balance is a model for transformational leadership, not a weakness as many might think.  The model requires that a leader think thoroughly through each process.  Process builds trust.  Process creates community.  Process itself is a unifying, cooperative force.

Here are the traits of a Transformational Leader:

  1. Clearly Articulates Vision And Goals
  2. Defines Things Others Can Do
  3. Builds Leaders Within Teams
  4. Effectively Delegates
  5. Encourages Boldness
  6. Gives Information And Support
  7. Affirms And Celebrates Competence
  8. Respects The Individual
  9. Avoids Micromanaging
  10. Models What They Preach

Here is an excerpt from my first book on transformational leadership:

Examine the word `transform`.  It does not merely mean change – or we would use that word. It is a verb with an expanded vision and is much more transcendent.  It implies a deeper, more fundamental alteration of our very form.  To transform.  The continuing process of transformation begins with the moment of inspiration and continues in us through times of action, rest and reflection.  The magic of transformation is absolutely necessary in the world of music.  Transformation occurs not only by chance, but also by direct intention – not only from the leader, but from the participants as well. The results are cumulative. Once the sense of ensemble is achieved and experienced firsthand, it can be believed.

So, why are there not more leaders committed to building the sense of ensemble in all that they undertake? Maybe it’s an educational issue for those whom we lead. Maybe it’s a lack of understanding that the concept of ensemble is transferable from musical groups to other groups. Why is that concept so foreign to people? Why does it seem unobtainable?
Keep the momentum

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