To attain a higher ROI (return on investment) in everything you do, understand the Trajectory Code Model. We all start at point A in route to our individual and collective goals known as point C. Far too often, individuals and organizations get off track and mired in point B dead-end behaviors.
Be deliberate and purposeful: point C (goals and objectives, measured by objective and specific key performance indicators (KPIs) and milestones), is created from values that drive inward vision and outward mission statements. But as you leave point A, for a short period of time, actions and behaviors place you on a trajectory towards either point C or point B.
Recognizing those actions or directives as you leave point A, and being able to extrapolate forward which trajectory pathway you will be sent down, is critical to success, achievement and sustained performance.
Most people and organizations experience best intentions when leaving point A (the on-boarding of a new employee, the start of a new campaign or initiative, etc.). But unless there are mindful individuals, coaches, mentors, milestones for benchmarking, or systems in place to continuously evaluate where one is at all times, on pathway C or B, one can go off track.
Think of the KPIs that keep you on line C, in route to point C goals, as the GPS system for accelerated growth. As you go off course towards pathway B, if you could easily recalibrate to pathway C, then success could be easily and more often attained.
But once you head toward point B, with no accountability individuals or mechanisms in place, your behaviors keep working in the unwittingly point B trajectory. Over time this behavior becomes your personal SOP (standard operating procedure). You become engrained to operate and see things only from this dead-end trajectory, which in turn becomes your vested emotions, causing you to take ownership that your way is the only way and the best way.
When you reach the dead-end point B, the explosion causes defensive behavior, blame, and gamesmanship. The necessary change to get from point B to point C seems far too overwhelming for most.
Now, imagine if, at the base of the Trajectory Model at point A we had people, systems and tools in place to continuously ensure we are making the simple and easy recalibrations necessary for arrival at point C. I call these easy adjustments the 1% factors, the numerous intersecting and progressing ROIs that can be plotted into the never-ending pathway C trajectory.
When you operate from a greater understanding of the Trajectory Diagram, and an understanding of the historical to present-state influencers upon yourself and others within the base circular area, known as your Trajectory Code, then you can manage and forecast human behavior more accurately and facilitate simple 1% change calibrations to attain greatness. Consider the new ROI vocabulary that your Trajectory Code can drive:
- ROIntellect – Demand that you continuously enhance your mental DNA and draw deeply from within to showcase the best of yourself and others!
- ROIndividual Initiative – Imagine that trajectory pathway C were paved with support systems and people to allow you to deliver on ROI #1, so you and others freely gave 100%, all the time, and accepted nothing less from everyone in your space!
- ROInterpersonal Relationships (leverage multiplier) – Imagine you could have 100% presence of mind to leverage 100% of the people you know and could motivate others to do the same in pursuit of trajectory point C!
With clearly defined language to guide every action to point C, it becomes a common DNA thread uniting people of like cause, mind, or goal with one another, and the cumulative energies can be overwhelming. And that would spell real ROI (return on investment) of any capital you work with.
Jeffrey Magee (Ph.D., PDM, CSP, CMC) is the “Thought Leader’s Leader.” He is a columnist, the publisher of Performance360 Magazine, editor of Performance Execution and Performance Driven Selling blogs, a former nationally-syndicated radio talk show host, author of many books, and recipient of the USJC TOYA award. A motivational-leadership speaker, he is one of the most sought-after keynote speakers in the world.
This article is reprinted from Issue #4 of Nonprofit Performance Magazine. Subscribe today so that you won’t miss other actionable articles that will help you run your nonprofit organization with less pain and more gain!
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