Philip B. Auerbach – Achieving Diversity through Language
Philip Auerbach discusses the importance of working with translators to assist in connecting with your nonprofit client base.
Katie Edwards – Co-Location: Shared Space for Nonprofits
Katie Edwards discusses how sharing work space can be especially beneficial for nonprofits.
Paul Born – Collaboration: Multisector Engagement
Paul Born discusses the impacts made when nonprofits, governments, and businesses collaborate with each other, rather than just those in their own sectors.
Scott S. Smith – The Value of Knowing History
Scott S. Smith discusses studying history, not only to avoid the same mistakes, but to gain perspective, fresh viewpoints, inspiration, and be well-rounded.
Penny Zenker – Incorporating New Perspectives
Penny Zenker discusses how the four drivers of our energy open us to new perspectives which can improve our effectiveness.
Hugh Ballou – Orchestrating Harmonious Cultures
Hugh Ballou discusses the importance of managing diversity in personalities, skills, perspectives, and framing in creating a harmonious successful organization.
Stephen Lewis – New Leadership for New Faith Communities
Stephen Lewis discusses human-centered design to determine how to cultivate future church leaders, determine actions for impact, and design necessary resources.
Kathleen LaTosch – Act Now for Nonprofit Diversity and Inclusion
Kathleen LaTosch discusses why and how to painlessly include more diversity in the hiring and thought processes on your nonprofit organization.
C. Forbes Sargent – Building an Effective Nonprofit Board
C. Forbes Sargent discusses the building and retention of a board of directors that will allow a nonprofit to be successful in all economic conditions.
Albert Winseman – The Power of a Strengths-Based Team
How do you go about creating a strengths-based team? The first task is to decide what kind of a team you are: independent or interdependent?