David Burkus – Organizations Under New Management
David Burkus, the author of Under New Management, spoke to us about overhauling our understanding of organizational management.
Adrienne Golden – If It’s Not WOW, It’s Not Worth It: Fuse Project
One of the greatest challenges of the past generation has centered on the emergence of Millennials into nonprofit leadership roles.
Jän Paul Ostendorf, Austin Munhofen – Positive First Impressions
First impressions are important. For-profit and nonprofit organizations alike have a responsibility to present themselves authentically.
Cord Sachs – Organizational Development, Multiplying Leaders
In most organizations, the development of leaders tends to fall into the category of important but not urgent.
Cynthia Adams – Challenges of Seeking Grant Support
Change in the field of philanthropy can be so subtle that it often goes unnoticed. Look at one aspect of that field - grantseeking - and it becomes almost impossible to detect. To help us recognize and track these changes, we conduct a survey every six months to determine the current state of grantseeking in the U.S. Over 3,200 people responded to our latest [...]
Roberta Gilbert – Organizations: Just Big Families?
Dr. Murray Bowen was an early pioneer in the concept of the family as an emotional unit. He grouped this concept and others into the Bowen Family Systems Theory (FST), which can be extremely useful to leaders. In FST, we develop a clearer idea of ourselves, our organizations, and our guiding principles, the basis of all values, goals, and directives. The clearer guiding principles [...]
Jeff Magee – 5 Factors to Organizational & Personal Success!
The stark reality of building an organization to greatness and sustaining that greatness is like building any great structure, it starts with a proven blueprint. McKinsey and Company, Deliotte, Association Talent development (formerly ASTD) and Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) have conducted countless survey that have touched hundreds-of-thousands of professionals in understanding best practices of leadership that works. All reinforce what the other [...]
Hugh Ballou – Leadership is Transformation of Self
Examine the word transform. It does not merely mean change, or we would use that word. It is a verb with an expanded vision and is much more transcendent. It implies a deeper, more fundamental alteration of our very form (to trans - form). The continuing process of transformation begins with the moment of inspiration and continues in us through times of action, rest, and [...]