Terry Williams – Starting a Nonprofit During a Recession
Terry Williams discusses NGF, which provides youth and family services and perishable food to people in crisis and with special needs.
Roberta Gilbert – Improving Boardroom Discussions
Roberta Gilbert discusses five methods to make meetings of the board of directors fruitful, while avoiding emotionally-charged discussions.
Jeffrey Magee – Strategies for Building a Stellar Board
Jeff Magee discusses the causes of organizational collapses, and strategies for creating a board of excellence and governance.
Jamie Notter – Creating an Agile Nonprofit Culture
Jamie Notter discusses building a change action plan that connects directly to improving your ability to deliver your mission.
LaShonda Delivuk – Attracting Millennials to Rotary
Millennial LaShonda Delivuk discusses how her Rotary club attracted many younger active members and became known for its vigor.
Anthony F. Capraro III – Interviewing for a New Position
Anthony Capraro discusses questions that may be asked during a job interview, and how to prepare with responses that showcase your talents.
Hugh Ballou and Jeff Magee – Dialogues on Board Rules
Hugh Ballou and Jeffrey Magee discuss how board talent and responsibilities rule your effectiveness, stability, and growth, or slow decay.
Jewels Muller – Attracting and Retaining Board Members
Jewels Muller discusses recruiting and keeping engaged nonprofit board members by focusing on the benefits to them, versus your own needs.
Ray Buchanan – Growing an Impact-Driven Board
Ray Buchanan discusses creating a board of engaged leaders, all working together to further the vision and mission of the organization.
Joshua Adams – Branding for the Nonprofit Board
Joshua Adams discusses getting your message out to attract donors and revenue to do bigger things, or for outreach to help those in need.