David Corbin – From WTF to OMG™ (with a bit of LOL)
David Corbin discusses the transformation from distress, when something has gone wrong, to seeing the good that can come out of it.
Darcy Hitchcock – Nonprofits Collaborating for Sustainability
Darcy Hitchcock describes a coalition of nonprofits to explore interdependencies, share resources, and cross-promote each other’s events.
Jeffrey Magee – Sustaining Relevance: Survive Versus Thrive
Jeff Magee discusses the importance of sustainability over survival mentality, and highlights eight considerations for success.
Devon Lee – Managing Sustainable Diversity and Inclusion
Devon Lee discusses minimizing practices and policies that are the source of exclusion, while seeking to include the historically excluded.
Leasha West – One Hundred Years of Sustainability
Leasha West discusses how relationships, through volunteer service, donations, publicity, and referrals, fuel a nonprofit’s sustainability.
Frank Shankwitz – Fairy Tales Still Come True: Make-A-Wish
Frank Shankwitz discusses Make-A-Wish which grants the wishes of children with critical illnesses in nearly 50 countries on 5 continents.
Russell Dennis – Ask These Questions Before Hiring a Consultant
Russell Dennis discusses seven important questions to ask before hiring a consultant to assure that it will be a worthwhile relationship.
Betsy Westhafer – Relieve Stress the Koala Bear Way
Betsy Westhafer discusses how to keep stress over things that are out of your control from increasing and derailing your productivity.
John F. Kilpatrick – Starting Organizations Sustainably
John Kilpatrick discusses starting a nonprofit with a sustainable business model because, otherwise, your cause is irrelevant.
John Kudos – Making People Care: Crafting Effective Design
John Kudos discusses how nonprofit organizations can use design and content to make people care and respond to the call of the cause.