Books by Hugh Ballou

Moving Spirits, Building Lives: Church Musician as Transformational Leader
This is a basic overview of Transformational Leadership from a mid-management level. Hugh Ballou served as Music Director in churches for 40 years and shares the lessons learned over those years. His discovery, which applies to any type of enterprise, is what is the “Ballou 10:90 Rule,” which is that your produce or your service is 10% percent of your work. The 90% is the systems you create and lead to deliver those results through products, events, services, or other offerings. Expanded 4th edition available now in a downloadable PDF and print form coming soon. $9.95

Moving Spirits, Building Lives: Church Musician as Transformational Leader Companion Workbook
This companion workbook has forms with permissions to copy to apply the principles in the book with the same title. Get the book and workbook and you can improve your work in any ministry organization. These practical and short chapters assist the busy ministry leader in improving their skills and systems for empowering and leading high-performing teams. Purchase the PDF version and print to forms to share with your teams. Available now in a downloadable PDF. $14.00 Print edition coming soon. $19.00
Conducting Power-Packed Meetings: Hugh Ballou’s 10 Tips for High Performance Meetings
If you are tired of boring, unproductive meetings, then it time to get this ebook Ballou’s 10 tips are immediately implementable. This concise and to the point guide assists busy leaders in empowering teams through upgrading meetings. Meetings either kill or engage team enthusiasm. Immediately, change the results of your meetings, get more participant buy-in, and free up your time to lead by shifting the energy and accountability to a peer-to-peer engagement. Stop joining so much and start guiding processes more. Get the downloadable guide with templates for planning. $9.95

31 Days to Becoming a Better Podcast Action Guide
The companion to the podcast of the same name provides a transcript of each of the 31 lessons and an action guide for each day to be able to implement the learning from each day’s lesson. This is a comprehensive but concise guide for leaders no matter what type of organization they lead or their level of skill or experience. There is value for every leader. $30.00
Building High Performance Teams: Systems for Leading Teams and Empowering Transformation
Busy leaders need systems, templates, and processes to accelerate and maintain effective team performance. This workbook comes with short, to the point, specific directions and applicable templated for implementing the concepts and processes. There is no need to create new templates when you can start with a time honored and proven model. Purchase of the workbook includes permission to copy the forms for team use. There is a substantial amount of information and processes for managing team conflict and a pattern for creating effective agreements. PDF download $19.00

Creating and Sustaining Healthy Teams: Preventing and Managing Team Conflict
Conflict in the workplace costs organizations many billions of dollars annually. Much of this conflict can be prevented or managed to create value from this energy that could otherwise be destructive and unproductive energy. Hugh Ballou’s article demonstrates how Transformational Leadership skills can help leaders identify, prevent, and manage conflict. $2.99

Transforming Power: Stories from Transformational Leaders for Encouragement and Inspiration
When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.”” Some embrace it and thrive; others fight it every step of the way. Change, though, is invariably the beginning point for transformation. Church leaders are expected not only to advocate transformation but navigate, with an encouraging smile, the resultant difficulties. While many books promote the need for transformation, few offer leaders hope, guidance and inspiration to persevere in the midst of (and beyond) the struggle. Hugh Ballou brings together a collection of stories from leaders who have lived through personal or institutional upheavals and survived. These accounts demonstrate how big changes affected efforts as diverse as a children’s ministry program to a Hollywood movie. $17