Assessment Questions for March 2020 Symposium

Thank you for attending the first-ever SynerVision virtual leadership symposium. To assist us in creating even better events, we would like your observations, ideas, and wishes. At the bottom, you can download my free self-study program, "Transforming Committees into High-Performance Just 21 Days."

  • Check what describes your job
  • Why did you choose to attend the May 1, 2020 Nonprofit Reactivation Symposium?
  • Define your top 3 takeaways from the Symposium
  • What support do you need to accomplish those 3 take-aways?
  • What would you like us to include in future events? List things like "more of _____" or "add _______" or "shorter event" or "more frequent event"
  • Tell us the best day/time for a future event all times ET
  • Tell us anything that's not in this assessment here:
  • Click here to get your free gift -