The Clergy Connection

The Clergy Connection


The Clergy Connection – In preparation for establishing a “21st Century Ministry Discovery Group” We want to hear from clergy – any clergy: active, retired, students, and even those preparing for ministry in other ways. These sessions were highly interactive and informative. We know there are more clergy from many faiths who haven’t had a chance to weigh in on defining ways we can come together for the common good. So, we are inviting others to schedule a session with us so we can hear from more about the issues facing clergy and how we can come together to create solutions and maybe create new pathways for improving the quality of life in the communities we serve.

In these discovery sessions, SynerVision Leadership Foundation also wants to determine if there is sufficient interest in establishing a clergy group in the community for ongoing support equipping clergy for the important work ahead.

We are hosting conversations on Friday, July 31, 2020, at 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm. Just show up if you want to join the conversation by clicking this link:

If you are interested in conversations and discovery for assisting with your ministry, then do one of the following:

  1. Fill in the form below to get updates for the next clergy connection discussion;
  2. Schedule a conversation with Hugh Ballou and Rev. Kathleen Panning;
  3. Join this community for nonprofit leaders and clergy for the $1 trial for a month (Join Button above); or
  4. All of the above

This is NOT a sales webinar where we will pitch our products or services. This is an effort to be connected with active clergy and to offer value to your ministry.

So, please choose one of the following:

1. Use the form below to subscribe to our exclusive clergy list. You will only get specific notifications of events and leadership opportunities and no sales messages. Your information is private and kept on our list only. Your privacy is respected and protected.

2. If you want to schedule a session with us, then please choose a time on the calendar that fits your schedule at