The Nonprofit Exchange Podcast

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Beyond Dancing in Your Pajamas – How to Really Use Videos for Your Business or Nonprofit

Carl Kwan

Carl Kwan

You’ve likely seen all the online videos and wondered if you need to dance in a fuzzy pink bunny suit to increase awareness about what you do and to improve your fundraising efforts. If you like to wear a fuzzy pink bunny suit and dance, no judgment. But if you’d prefer to present yourself in a relatable and professional manner; if you’d like to build awareness for yourself and the work you do; and if you’d like to build your community, there’s a way to do that with videos that only involve dancing if that’s your thing. For nonprofits and clergy, I’ll show you how videos can be used to educate, connect with your community and increase awareness about your work so that you can increase the donations your organization needs to do the selfless and gracious work you do.

Carl Kwan is a video marketing expert who started making YouTube videos in 2009 for his executive presentation coaching business to teach people globally presentation skills. He was also involved in TV and radio and was a professional voice actor. He has an MBA and has always been passionate about helping people succeed. Clients include Samsung, Jaguar Land Rover, and Motorola. But as online video began to be used more and more by businesses, he noticed that the videos missed the mark when it came to genuinely helping a business achieve its goals. So in 2013, Carl started Kwan Multimedia to work with companies globally to produce videos that could be used in a strategic way, with the primary mission of communicating the right message to the right audience to achieve business objectives. And that YouTube channel? It’s since grown to over 100,000 subscribers and counting, which means Carl is one of the few video marketing people who has used videos to grow his business.

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