


Nicholas Ripplinger – What’s in Your Repository?

  In today’s ever-changing climate, the leader has to be flexible and capable of changing course at a moment’s notice. This applies equally to the CEO of a multi-billion dollar corporation, the young adult overseeing his or her first service project, and every leader at every level in between. But what tools do leaders possess to help them make these decisions? Education, mentoring, and training [...]

Cheryl Snapp Conner – What Gives a Program Wings?

  There’s a particular challenge in the marketing of social responsibility causes. By their very nature, these programs are founded on principles of doing good. But the altruistic core of these projects is dangerously seductive: How could an idea fail when it is so badly needed, and when the motives for proceeding are so important and pure? So there we have it. Thousands of nonprofits [...]

Dave Austin – Where You’re Needed Most

  Why did you put your life on the line? "Because, I love God... and I love my Marines, and that is where I was needed most." That is all that my father said when my brother asked him why he led the charge. That is what he did at two very bloody battles, Iwo Jima and Saipan, when he didn't need to. You see, [...]

Russell Dennis – Leadership: the High Innovation Quotient

  Innovation has been a key driver of business for many years. Leaders at the most profitable companies are always looking for ways to reinvent themselves. Look at Apple, Samsung, and Amazon. Need more proof of the power of innovation? Try Airbnb, Uber, and Snapchat. They are transforming the way we do business. Nonprofits are tackling the most pervasive problems we face in modern society [...]

Cynthia Adams – Simple Ways to Expand Your Grant Support

  In our semiannual State of Grantseeking survey, we regularly hear, “We apply to grantmakers we are familiar with, but do not have time to search for other funding sources for specific projects or needs.” It's easy to get stuck on a treadmill when it comes to grantseeking, and very difficult to expand outside our comfort zones. These tips will help you develop a larger [...]

Hugh Ballou – Leadership is Transformation of Self First

  Examine the word transform. It does not merely mean change, or we would use that word. It is a verb with an expanded vision and is much more transcendent. It implies a deeper, more fundamental alteration of our very form (to trans - form). The continuing process of transformation begins with the moment of inspiration and continues in us through times of action, rest, [...]

Philip Foster – Leadership Flexibility for the New Workforce

  We live in an emerging globalized mobile world of dispersed cloud workers. More than ever, we see individuals and organizations trading their traditional offices for work from home, coffee houses, and nearly anywhere in the world with Internet connection. This isn’t a trend found in the for-profit space alone; nonprofit organizations are seeing tremendous growth in remote workers as they seek to keep pace [...]

September Dohrmann – Cooperation and Collaboration

  Cooperation and collaboration can greatly accelerate business growth. CEO Space was conceived in 1988 via a thought leader educational summit in Huntsville, Alabama, as a forum for CEOs that would provide missing mechanisms to accelerate business development. In the rapidly advancing entrepreneur age, there was a lack of centralized resources to mentor and rapidly develop entrepreneurial skills, to grow social capital via cooperative trading [...]

Ed Bogle – Manage Change and Leverage Opportunity

    Strategic management and phased growth plans can stabilize an organization when upheaval may be looming. Planning in the nonprofit world has largely been based on the continuance of past trends and the assumption that constituents' needs, environmental factors, funding sources, and staff and volunteer commitment will remain fairly constant. However, those things have become less dependable. Change is largely unpredictable, often comes in [...]

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