The Nonprofit Exchange Archives
Growing To Give: Freeing People From Hunger
By promoting sustainable farm and garden practices, Growing To Give intends to free millions from hunger with sustainable gardens.
Love Heals: The Amazing Power of Love
Love Heals: Even if just 1 person shows up to your event, program, service, it's enough. Do for the 1 what you would do for the masses.
The Rubber Band Rule of Respect
We have introduced the 7 Forms of Respect to government and nonprofit leadership teams to help them articulate respect more clearly at their organizations.
Impacting the Lives of Incarcerated Youth
Haley Hunt is the CEO of The VERB Kind, a nonprofit she founded, with the mission to mentor and impact incarcerated youth across the US.
How Giving Local Sparked a Global Movement
If you have trouble asking board members, friends, and acquaintances to financially support your work, this podcast episode is for you! Please listen in as we unpack the benefits of generosity and reframe philanthropy as an honor and responsibility for all - not just the wealthy.
Is Life Only One Pie? How Leaders Reach Their Full Potential
Bringing together people in community is critical for our future. We need to continue bridging the gaps in understanding and learn to show empathy towards others.
Ensuring Nonprofit Fundability: Interview with Jeffrey Fulgham, CFRE
Ensuring Nonprofit Fundability: Interview with Jeffrey Fulgham, CFRE Jeffrey [...]
Unlock Your Potential, Achieve Greatness and Make An Impact Affordably
It is so important to build proper business relationships no matter how small or how large your organisation is. Your potential biggest client, sponsor or donation for you and your organisation is out there.
Dreamers That Ignite Change: How to Become a True Visionary
Ordinary people have incredibly intuitive solutions to many of the world’s “unsolvable” issues. I want visionary leaders feeling empowered with the knowledge that it should be THEM who looks at an unsolvable issue and then comes up with an audaciously simple solution that breaks barriers.
Kingdom Leadership
Kingdom leadership in the marketplace requires a nuanced professionalism to maintain "being in the world but not of the world." I will provide a paradigm and perspective for navigating the marketplace in a way that's a win-win for both the God you serve and the organization you serve.