Getting Google Adwords Grant Help with Hank Robinson

Hank RobinsonWhile attending college in Gainesville, Florida Hank Robinson created and internet marketing software solution. This software provided Environmental Consulting firms with a bidding platform for government proposals. The business grew to cover the entire Southeastern United States and later sold.

While working for an Internet start-up in Tampa, he created tracking and reporting software for internet advertisers and Google Ads advertisers. This tracking software led to establishing – Internet Media Buyers in 2002.

Internet Media Buyers is a digital ad firm that offers tracking software solutions for local and medium-sized businesses. Internet Media Buyers tracking and reporting software is especially useful when combined with Google AdWords and Google Analytics. Internet Media Buyers grew along with the success of the Google search engine.

Internet Media Buyers became known as the tracking solution to maximize the results of Google Advertising with a client base of hundreds of monthly Google AdWords accounts.

Recently sold Internet Media Buyers to focus more on non-profits. Sunray Marketing offers internet based marketing solutions to non-profits.


Read the Interview

Hugh Ballou: Hi there, it’s Hugh Ballou. It’s The Nonprofit Exchange. Today, we are going to focus on how to get traffic to your website, and how to convert that traffic. We all know that we want people to know about all the programs that we do. We want to know people about the volunteer opportunities and donor opportunities. Today, we have a special guest, as always, but the bar is high. Today is high. Speaking of high, how are things in mile-high Colorado, Russell Dennis?

Russell Dennis: As usual, the air is thin, and I am punchy, but that is part of my charm.

Hugh: It’s thin up there because you have thin hair.

Russell: I have to get a haircut. I looked at the recording and thought, My God, I look like a hippie. I have the town drunk shadow going here, and I thought I had to clean up my act.

Hugh: You work on that, and I am going to work at introducing our guest. Actually Hank, we don’t introduce our guest. We like our guest to introduce themselves. Tell people listening about Hank. What is your background, your qualifications for helping people with Google Ad Grants? AdWords is a mystery to most of us, and you found a niche to help people. Hank Robinson, welcome to The Nonprofit Exchange.

Hank Robinson: Thank you. Hi, Russell. I have been working with Google AdWords since it first started. I created software for people to track the results of AdWords. You can get a lot of traffic, but you want to make sure the landing pages are good and the conversions are good. I was working with local companies. I created software to help them track their results because there really wasn’t anything out there at the time to be able to track results. Google was happy to take your money, but at the time, people weren’t making sure they were getting the best results from their money. I created software for that and built that up. I added 100 clients who were using our software for the first year. I doubled that every year.

I sold the business and did some searching and worked for a nonprofit down in Panama, where I helped build a school. I used the Google Grants system to get the money. They needed a $40,000 Google Grant. We built a few schools. I said this is what I want to do. I want to work in nonprofits. I took the experience and knowledge I had and brought it into the nonprofit space. Occasionally, I do some work with small businesses who come to me, usually ones that work with nonprofits I work with, they are on the board or something. Primarily, my focus is nonprofits.

Ever since I started that school, I have enjoyed working with nonprofits. My main focus is getting conversions, getting results, getting donations, selling, car donations, anything related to nonprofits. I am working with a church, and we have books to sell. We are only getting traffic to convert. You can bring thousands of people to your website, which is good, but you want to make sure that you are getting results. You often see traffic with potential clients, but you usually have a big bounce rate. You are seeing traffic, but people are not spending more than a couple seconds on your site and are leaving. We want to change that and use the system for as much as possible. Hugh and I talked about this before. A lot of people these days have- People come in and only spend $300 for a day. They don’t spend the whole amount. Those are the things we help clients to do.

Hugh: I want to put something on the table here. I think that is one of your areas of expertise: conversions. Tom Antion teaches online marketing and speaking. His acronym for HITS is How Idiots Track Success. You like that, right?

Hank: People are getting better at that. Five years ago, people would say they got all these hits, but they didn’t understand what that meant.

Hugh: No.

Hank: It’s funny that you put that definition to it.

Hugh: Let’s start with conversions. You talk about working in the church. That’s not the kind of conversion you’re talking about.

Hank: A conversion means that we set up with Google AdWords an action we want to occur. It would be to sign up for our newsletter. It could be a phone call for a consultation. It could be purchasing a book. It could be making a donation. What that would be is we would track when someone hits the landing page for the book sale, the thank you page for ordering the book. It would be sent to you. The thank you page would be an example.

We have a pixel, which is an image the person can’t see. It makes another hit and says, “Okay, this person has converted.” What we are able to do with conversions and tracking, which is my whole experience, is I want to know what keyword they searched for, where they went on the site, how long it took them, where they came from, and this information. None of this stuff is- It’s anonymous. For the most part, we are able to track these results so that we can create the same results and get more actions. An action or conversion is just a completion of what we want this person to do. We can see the whole funnel and how they got there, and then we know for example what keyword they search for, and we can make sure and bid appropriately. We know the ones who are creating actions. We know the ones that are bringing people to the site but are not creating actions we want. We know where to focus our money and our efforts.

Hugh: Let’s back up. Google AdWords is a pay to play program. You pay so much to click when people click on the words. Let’s talk about the grants. You mentioned a $40,000 grant. Google doesn’t have that anymore, do they?

Hank: No, they don’t. A lot of people push that. They haven’t had it for a while. It’s a touchy thing. When they started, anybody who put the effort in, and they got the $10,000, they would give it to you. As we have talked about before, Google Grants is a volunteer program. They were letting that happen. Now they don’t. It’s more policed and monitored. $10,000 is the limit. I work with nonprofits who are making gross $50 million, and we are still stuck at the $10,000. If you did have $40,000, you could keep that. Good luck trying to keep it because they are making it more difficult. Another limit is it’s a $2 bid that you could do per keyword maximum. But now they have changed that to over the $2 if you use a conversion bidding strategy.

Hugh: All right. Explain that. We have determined having people come to the website is not sufficient. Google wants you to have conversions. How do you track conversions? Google has software. Do you still use your software?

Hank: I don’t. I sold that, and I have my own software that I use. I also use what’s called Google Tag Manager. Google Tag Manager is something that is owned by Google. It sits on the side. You can place your tracking there and make sure everything converts. We also use proprietary software that we built. Primarily it’s to set the tags up and set up the conversions in AdWords to make sure that you get- What maximum conversion means is they will automatically set the bids to get the most conversions for your campaigns without spending your whole budget. As you may know, Google has Google Mind. It is the biggest artificial intelligence in the world that is running Google AdWords. It is sophisticated. You are able to take a part of that and use it in their max conversions bidding. I have seen bids as high as $6, where before you couldn’t break over $2. What happens is you have about 15 conversions per month for it to work properly. I wouldn’t jump right into conversion bidding, but you can set up conversions so you get about 15 a month. Then I wouldn’t do it; it doesn’t work as well. We found by trial and error that if you are getting only three conversions, the max conversions don’t work. They don’t have enough information, so they don’t know how to bid properly. You need at least 15 conversions a month before you start using that bidding properly. Otherwise, you don’t show up very much.

Hugh: Wow. There is a lot to know. When I first signed on and got my Google AdWords grant, I couldn’t get more than $300 spent in a month. Then I got somebody like you who worked with me, and we placed some ads. Within three months, I was spending the whole $10,000. We spent every penny. We were getting lots of people coming. We started learning the conversion thing. SynerVision has this online community. The more people in there, the merrier. There is an art of being able to spend the money, but there is a lot more regulation now than when we started. Talk about why people need help. Why do people need help? We know what kind of words to put in there. I ended up after that experience having 17,000 keyword combinations. Not all of them worked. I was honing in on the ones driving the most traffic. How do you make it work, Hank?

Hank: This is what happened in January. We had a lot of people in the program, having the $10,000. A lot of people were at $300, and weren’t using it properly. That’s their bread and butter, AdWords. You know it’s a big company, one of the biggest in the world, but 98% of their money comes from AdWords. That’s their baby, so when they give it away, they want to make sure people are doing it properly. In January of last year, they made a lot of changes. They wanted to make sure that everybody is doing what they needed to be doing. It’s good for everybody. It’s good for AdWords and everybody because AdWords wants to make sure that when you are spending their money, you are doing it properly. They want people to focus on the high conversions instead of just going for exposure, a lot of hits, as you said earlier.

Some of the changes are for example they are looking at geotargeting. Geotargeting is hey, here’s my ad, it’s going to the world, and hopefully it does well. Now, you can’t bid like that anymore. You really need to bid for your central location, where you’re getting the most results. You can find that in the Google Analytics. You can find the areas where you are getting the best results. That is what they want to focus you on. That is what they want you to do.

Another thing they are looking at is they added quality standards. They want people to make better ads. Each campaign, you need two ad groups for each campaign. An ad group is an area where you put your keywords, and you group similar keywords together. For each campaign, a book sale for a church for example. You would have two groups that are related to people searching for books. Those would be the ad groups. Each ad group has to have two text ads. You need to have two ads for every ad group. This is all making AdWords better. When we do consulting, it’s making sure that everybody who is doing AdWords is doing it properly and more professionally.

Also, these ads need to have site link extensions. A big part of AdWords is site links. It makes your ads larger than they were before. It’s linking to other parts of your site that might be related to this. They’re making better ads that way.

Let’s see. What else? They are also making sure as you may have seen that we have a click-through rate. When you see an ad, they are making sure that every ad is shown is being clicked as much as possible, whereas in general AdWords, it’s about a 1.9% click-through rate. 1.9% of ads that are shown in Google search, I should have clarified earlier this grant is for Google search, not display ads, which is another topic. This is for when people search keywords. These are your search results. They are shown at the top and the bottom of the search results. We have to make sure that any time those are shown, 5% of the time at least, those ads are being clicked. If they are not, you are bidding on the wrong keywords, and you have the wrong ads. They are not good quality ads.

Also, you don’t have good landing pages. They have now made people a 5% click-through rate for all of their ads.

Overall, it’s just making sure that the people aren’t spending their money and just getting a lot of hits. They are making quality go higher.

Hugh: Russell, you’ve got something cooking. What kinds of questions do you have for Hank?

Russell: I was just getting caught up. There have been a lot of changes. I knew a little bit about the program, but not very much. I know that you have to drive a minimum amount of traffic to it. That makes sense because Google’s effect in this is built on how well people do. It’s that conversion that makes everything happen. Those are some of the major changes. That $2 keyword limitation, that’s different. That’s a huge change.

Hank: It is. It’s great.

Russell: We’re at $10,000. That’s a monthly figure, yes?

Hank: Great question. It’s a per-day. It’s about $331 per day actually. Depending on how many days in a month, you wouldn’t go over $10,000.

Russell: I didn’t know they tracked that daily. In addition to the AdWords, what are the other Google services that work well in the Grants? Are there other Google services that are bundled in?

Hank: We work with a lot of companies that are nonprofit chains with stores, such as Salvation Army, Goodwill, and certain missions. I do a lot with thrift stores. Because of that, we have what’s called Google My Business. If you deal with search for a restaurant, you’ll see the restaurant listed in Google Maps, but you will also see More Information. You can connect Google Grants with Google My Business. That’s something we work hard on, especially when we work with nonprofits like Goodwill because we want people in the stores. We are able to combine store visits with Google Grants. We get great results. If nobody comes to our stores, we are in trouble. Thrift stores are still doing great. We get a lot of mileage out of maximizing Google My Business because we feel like it’s huge, and it’s great.

Russell: What type of information goes into Google My Business?

Hank: They are connected. What happens is there is a link in an ad to the local Google My Business. You could be searching for “Where’s my local Goodwill?” It will show you an ad that can go to the website, but it can also go to Google My Business. That’s how you sync them together. We do images. The outside of the store, the inside of the store. We do tours of the store. There are reviews. We work hard to get good reviews and good images. We can also do postings. We will do coupons in our stores. You can do postings now. That’s another topic. Google My Business used to be Google+, if you remember that.

Russell: It disappeared. I had a lot of content on there that I archived off of my page. I need to set up a business profile for it, I think.

Hank: Exactly. It doesn’t have to be a store by the way. It can be a service. You don’t need to have a physical location to have a Google My Business page. It’s a summary of what you do. All of this is searchable also. I would recommend anybody who has a Google My Business to start posting to it because that helps your rank. If you are looking for any local thrift store, you want your business to be first in the results on the maps. Posting, having good information, this is all important. To answer your question, Google My Business is a great combination. Even if you have a service business, it’s something people don’t think about or work very hard on. There is so much information that could be put on there.

Russell: I missed my Google+ page already. It’s only been a week.

Hank: Only Google can do this, something that millions of people are using, and they just drop it. So many things are like that.

Russell: They set the quality standard for search. They take over the world in that regard. I understand why they want to make sure that it’s working well because the space they are giving away is their bread and butter. If you think about that, where they generate all their revenue.

What are some of the ways that you have found Google Grants have benefited nonprofits?

Hank: A lot of nonprofits, we have the limit of $300 a day. $300 a day is what a lot of people end up spending in a whole month. We help them to get more. It’s even harder now that they have these stipulations. Some of the ways I have found is we have been able to generate more revenue. We have had some nonprofits that were just getting $100 a week or so on donations, and we were able to bring them 10 times that, $1,000, just by doing proper research.

Google AdWords is closely related to SEO. We need to make sure that the people are getting the results they need when they are searching. So it’s donations, sales, attending events, ticket sales. We run car donations. We are bringing in more money for the nonprofits. As well as sending out the message of what you do. People understand. Counteracting any kind of negative information that can happen out there, there are nonprofits that sadly, people have nothing better to do than troll them and find issues. They don’t understand what these nonprofits do, so we make sure they have a good image and are represented so that when people are searching for things about these nonprofits, we are also providing our side of the information in order to counterbalance some of the negativity going on out there. We check the news. We see what we are searching for. We counterbalance the negative information by providing information that is not always coming from us, but is coming from third parties also.

Russell: There is that increased visibility. I never thought about reputation management in relation to a Google Grant. What are some of the things that a nonprofit can do with its website and its online presence to place them in a position to better meet these new requirements?

Hank: That’s a great question. A lot of people don’t think about what they’re trying to accomplish when they put up a website. Let Google help you by making it very clear what you want to accomplish. A lot of people surprisingly don’t understand, and I work with some big marketing people. And you have done e-commerce yourself, so you understand the value of landing pages and giving people the information they need when they are searching for it. Being very specific.

I know you had Pip on a while ago talking about funnels. It’s the same idea. We want to create funnels. We want to create information. You want to sit and think about your website, what you want to accomplish, and finding the simplest, easiest way to give people that information. What are people searching for? We can go backwards and search. AdWords gives you a good idea of what the keywords people are using are. Without AdWords, you don’t get that information. Not even with Google Analytics do you get good search information. We can look at that data and get your people the information they need and send your message to the people. How can they help you? How can you help them?

It’s about creating the website properly that is in line with what people are looking for when they are online looking for you. It takes some strategizing. If you were to sit back and put yourself in the other person’s shoes and what it feels like to them to look through your website to get the information they need. Sometimes we will get third parties to come in. You can ask relatives to look through your website. Sometimes we are so involved in it that we don’t get a chance to take a step back and think about, Okay, here’s what I want to accomplish. Here’s why I have this website. What do I want to accomplish? Is my website doing that? I see this a lot.

People think they can just run ads on AdWords for a topic or something they want to promote, and it’s a billboard. They will just get traffic. But unfortunately, Google is concerned about the searcher. The information that you are showing them is what they are searching for. It’s called quality score. It’s a quality score of the keywords and of the landing page. If what you are providing them is not shown in the landing page, somebody else’s ads will show. It’s a bidding process, but the bidding process is not just about money. It’s about quality. You want to make sure you are providing the information that searcher is looking for. I threw a lot at you there.

Russell: But there’s a lot to doing this. It takes a substantial investment, probably in educating yourself and spending time learning it, or getting the right people to do it for you. Let’s look at a couple of scenarios. First, let’s say you have somebody who says, I don’t want to spend a lot of money, but if you look at it in a month, it’s $10,000 of potential value left on the table. You probably want to invest it in somebody who knows what to do. Let’s say you have a staff member, some organizations are in a position where they might have a staff member who handles this type of thing. How much time will they need to invest, and what sort of training is involved for them to manage it themselves?  

Hank: The main part is getting it set up. On occasion, I will do that for clients to get them started. We will have a flat fee, not to manage it. The hardest part is getting set it up. We will create what’s called scripts. Another thing I didn’t talk about is single word keywords. They don’t allow it either. You have to bid on branded keywords. We set up tracking that will alert you if you are crossing any of these boundaries. You might be adding keywords that don’t matter. You might not be creating enough ads. We create scripts inside of AdWords for people that sends warnings back to you to make sure you are constantly checking it. It’s run through Excel and Google Sheets. It keeps checking your AdWords account. That is one way you can do it. You can set up scripts or someone sets up scripts for you, so you can hand it to anybody and this way, if they did something wrong, you’d be notified. It makes sure everything is at 5%.

To answer your question, you can get training through Google. I have trained my employees through Google. They have their own trainings for their AdWords program. You really can’t beat it. There is nobody out there who could do better. You could read books. But the best programs are through Google. They can teach you.

That could take you a couple months if you had an employee to go through it, using about a quarter of their time, a few hours a day. It could take them a couple of months. You could get things up in about a month, and another month of training.

To manage it, you’d probably need- we check all of our accounts every day. We have software that does that. If you have somebody who is running yours, they’d want to spend 15-30 minutes a day checking the accounts, making sure everything is good. I would say a couple hours a week maximizing the campaigns. Thinking about what you want to accomplish, also at least a couple hours a week also making sure and tweaking the landing pages. You need about 2-4 hours to answer your question, and about a month of training to get started, and another month to maintain that.

Russell: Most organizations are probably not in a position where they have that luxury. Having experts come in to do that, if you are talking about what they can accomplish, that in there is a lot. When you explain how to do it. It’s especially important to do it well now because Google has upped the ante on the standard of quality. If you got somebody that is struggling with the strategy, they say this is all well and good, but we’re not exactly sure how we want to put our strategy together, how would you go about helping them do that?

Hank: How would we want to put a strategy together for what they want to accomplish with AdWords?

Russell: Yes.

Hank: It changes, Russell. This is why I like working with nonprofits. As you said, it takes a while to learn these things. That’s why I focus on nonprofits. I focus primarily with larger nonprofits. You get used to the same thing over and over. It’s different for everybody. It’s not always apparent on your website. It’s very interesting that you say that because a lot of times, what I see on their website is not what they are thinking they want to accomplish. That’s a good start. You look at the website and go, “Oh my gosh.” What we have to do then, for example, that’s what we do. We have a discussion. We sit down and talk about what we can do, what they want to do, what they want to try to do.

We use this tool called SEM Rush. Anybody who can’t afford to hire somebody, they need to have tools like SEM Rush or Wordstream. We use different tools that you can apply. If you don’t hire somebody professionally, you can use tools that will give you an edge. SEM Rush, we talk about several meetings where we would start. If it’s a new client, I have a pretty good idea of the clients I have and the fields I work in, with churches and large thrift stores. When we bring new people in, we look at what people are searching for, what the competition is, and what they are bidding on. We would get started with them, come back and do an SEM Rush analysis, which takes a couple hours, and then looks at what the competition is doing, there is an opening here, and then once we can get some funds for that, we can go in other directions.

Hugh: Hank, you mentioned fundraising in some of that dialogue. Russ and I find that most nonprofits are deficient in sources of funding. It seems like there would be a lot of competition. How well does it work to raise money online?

Hank: It is difficult. People aren’t looking for who to give money to. Who will take my money? You had a great guest last week who can help with those things. We have to be realistic. I think sometimes it’s about bringing people in. That’s a good reason to bring people in on your message. What is your message to the people? What can you accomplish? You had Pip before. You can’t target who can I give money to. You have to find other ways to get your message to people. Create an email list. Build a relationship with somebody. We have tried that. We do get money from donations, people wanting to donate to local charities. It works. I would not discourage that because we get amazing results when it happens. It’s not something to hang your hat on necessarily.

I would look more at building relationships with people, massaging people, and bringing them into the fold, giving them free advice, free information, selling people on books and services and courses. It depends. Letting them know why your service is important.

Why is it important to save stray dogs? That’s a big thing for people. You get people this information. They are not looking to give money right off the bat to their local dog shelter. Once you show them the dogs, you tell them what your mission is, you bring them into the fold. It’s sometimes better to massage the clients. Bring in a cold lead. A lot of what we do when we talk about conversions is we create email lists. We all hate getting bombarded with emails. They continue to perform and perform well. They are super cheap once you have them. The drop-off rate is really low. The open rates are really high. The click rates are high, when you have a captive audience. I would bring people in, look at other ways to bring people in and start building a relationship, and then ask them for donations.

Russell: We like to talk a lot about relationships and getting connected to people. The key word to me is value. What is valuable to the people you are trying to reach? You want to communicate that if you know who your audiences are. Figure out who your audiences are and what’s important to them. Part of that value is providing valuable information, valuable content that is of interest. I see a lot of people, it seems like with a lot of entities, the only time that people on their mailing list hear from them is when they want more money, which is a     huge mistake.

Hugh: Absolutely. Hank, how do people find out about Sunray Marketing?

Hank: If you want to find out about more of what we do. You can also contact me at If it’s okay, Hugh, I’d like to make an offer to your viewers.

Hugh: Okay.

Hank: What I was thinking about is two things. I’ll bring this to three nonprofits. Those with a Google Grant already, we will set up a landing page for you and make sure that we set up all your conversions and your tracking. I will set up one landing page for you for free. We would normally charge $700 for that. I’ll offer to three nonprofits.

If you don’t have a Google Grant, we will offer to set that up for you because it can get quite confusing and then hand it over to you. We will do that for a total of three nonprofits.

Russell asked this earlier, and I meant to touch on this. You need to make sure that you follow these guidelines very closely. You ask how we can help. We make sure that you don’t get banned. You really don’t want to get banned. You need to make sure that you’re managing these AdWords. You should spend a few minutes a day looking at it, a few hours a week. If you are only touching these campaigns once a month or so, Google will ban you. Even if you are following everything we discussed, which would be difficult if you are not checking on your ads in your campaigns, Google will ban you. That is no fun.

It’s really difficult because there is nobody to call and nobody you can talk to about this because it’s all volunteers. Everything at Google is volunteering their time out of their own hearts and goodwill. If you try to call AdWords Support, they have 30,000 people in the Grants program, but there are millions of people in AdWords. If you try to talk to them about what’s going on and why you have been banned, they really won’t give you good information. I don’t mean to throw them under the bus, but they don’t have much information that you don’t know yourself when you call for support. It’s even worse with Google Grants. They don’t even know these stipulations. These are common things.

If you get banned, and that is why sometimes it’s good to have scripts running that will monitor your campaigns and tell you, by the way, by accident, you only got two ads in this AdWords group. So you will add another ad. If you don’t do them, they will ban you. Then you’re stuck. Then you have to go through the whole program again, which you don’t want to do. So you want to set up everything properly.

Hugh: Hank, this is a lot of good data. It’s Find out about your services. There is a lot to know. I will tell people I am good at social media, and I couldn’t figure out how to spend the money. Having somebody like you is essential.

*Sponsor message from SynerVision Leadership Foundation*

*Sponsor message from Wordsprint*

Hank, this has been really informative. Thank you for being our guest today. Russell, I don’t believe we’ve ever had anyone talk about this topic before. Hank, thank you for this.

Hank: Thank you.

Hugh: What thought do you want to leave with people as we end this great interview?

Hank: I want to thank you for having me on, Hugh. I enjoy your interviews. You’ve had some great people on. You both are good. I’ve enjoyed watching them. Every one of them is great information. I don’t know how you find these people. Every week, I would encourage anybody to listen to more of these podcasts. I download some of them, and I enjoy watching them on YouTube also. I have lunch and watch one of your videos. I think they are entertaining.

My job is to help people. I like working with nonprofits. I like to take the experience I have. What I can bring, some of these things, we are trying to expel information. I am someone who can bring it down to you. We can talk strategy. We can talk business. Nonprofits are businesses. We can talk about how to make the most of your nonprofit. We can break it down into simple terms. I want to let everybody know that even though we talk about click-through rates, I don’t want to talk over anybody’s head on these things. I want to be down to earth. No matter what your experience level is, I want to make this understandable to you. I have no problems working with people who this may be new for.

If you want to try Google Grants, let me know. I can set them up and hand them back to you. That is something I am offering for three nonprofits. Contact me at If you have a conversion you’d like to work on and have some ideas for a landing page. We talked earlier about making websites proper. In the same regard, you don’t need to redo a whole website. That’s not the case. We need to make landing pages that go with AdWords. It might be one, two, three pages that make a difference. We make landing pages based on your mission and what you want to accomplish. Thank you very much, guys. I appreciate it.

Russell: Thanks, Hank. We appreciate your coming by. I learned way more than I ever knew about Google Grants.

You’re doing brilliant work. But the most important thing is for people to really know about the work you’re doing. This Google Grant is a way for you to be able to do that, and doing it well, if you look at your investment in that, you’re getting $10,000 worth of value when it’s done right. It can be tricky. Please take advantage. Go visit Hank’s site. In the meantime, keep on making a difference in the world every day.

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