How Speakers And Experts Can Write And Publish A Book For Social Impact Interview with Jeremy Jones

Jeremy C. Jones, a proud military veteran, is also a family man and entrepreneur who lives in Paradise Valley, Arizona. His accomplishments include being a four-time #1 Best-Selling Author on Amazon, hosting the popular podcast “Ideas & Impact,” and founding and serving as CEO at Jones Media Publishing.



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Hugh Ballou: Greetings, it’s Hugh Ballou. Welcome to this episode of The Nonprofit Exchange. This little interview will be packed with some ideas we hope will be useful to you. Today, we have Jeremy Jones, who comes to us from north Scottsdale, Arizona. Jeremy, welcome to The Nonprofit Exchange. Tell folks a little bit about you, why you’re doing this, and your passion.

Jeremy Jones: Absolutely. Thank you so much for the introduction. I appreciate it. A little bit about my background. I grew up in southern California and went into the military at the age of 18. I was stationed on an aircraft carrier for four years. Just to give your audience a reference of time, when I was getting ready to get out of the military was during the September 11 attack, 2001. I was a part of Operation Enduring Freedom. I was in the military during that time and shortly got out after, which was March of 2002. I moved here to Arizona, where I have been living and working of about 17 years now. Over time, I got my Bachelor of Arts degree. I started working of a company, working for myself. At the point where I had transitioned to fully working for myself, I was looking to get an edge on not only just the competition, but to set myself apart because I felt like I was really good at what I did. I authored a book and saw how it helped open up doors for me to get speaking engagements. I helped one of our clients be able to publish a book as well. That is where I developed a specialty of what we do with book publishing. Right now, I currently have that program. It’s all we do. It’s my primary business. Jones Media Publishing is the top rated book publisher for coaches, consultants, speakers, and experts to help them publish a book that can be used as a tool to get speaking engagements and new clients.

I am so passionate about this because a book can be a tool to help an expert share their message that is impactful, share the story of the charity, nonprofit, or organization, to share the reason why they do what they do and the principles behind it, to help them reach an audience that are outside of their sphere of influence.

Hugh: That’s really great. I published my first book in 2007. It’s called Moving Spirits, Building Lives. It’s a church musician as a transformational leader. It’s how I pivoted from being a conductor into organizational leadership. The conductor takes a bunch of singers and transforms them into a choir, transforms the choir into an ensemble, transforms people’s lives. In church work, in the orchestra, it’s the same kind of thing. I teach people how to build high-performing teams. I self-published and went to a church music conference. Nobody knew me. I had a bunch of books. There were 600 people there, and I sold 100 books. All of a sudden, people were quoting me, and I was a celebrity because I was an authority on a topic. Now, it took me 40 years to write the book, 30 days to put it on paper. So I sent myself a daily regimen and outlined it and wrote it. Miscellaneous chapters. I wrote the ones that flowed easily. The fist chapter I wrote was “Managing Time.” I wrote about it, so I have to do it. I can tell you that was a business card. The book was an open-door business card. People are really impressed that you have a book. I have had several other people quote my books in other books on the topic. That was my basic premise on transformational leadership. I have done other books and courses. It was really me putting on paper. The process was clarifying for me.

What do you find is most helpful? We’re talking to clergy and nonprofit leaders and their teams. I do experience they have lots of stories to tell, but they don’t know how to get them out there. We think we published a book and it’s a bestseller, so we’re going to be filthy rich. That’s not exactly the purpose, is it?

Jeremy: No, not necessarily. So we always start with the foundation. A lot of times, when someone is referred to us, they come to us for three primary reasons. One is for contribution. They have a message that is important to them; they want to get it out to as many people as possible. The second reason is to have it be a tool to get clients for their business or speaking engagements, which furthers the message about what they do. The third reason is for credibility and authority. The book serves as a purpose to position you as an authority, a specialized expert at what you do.

Whenever someone comes to us and says, “I have a book, but I feel like I’m stuck,” which is common, we start with the main purpose of the book. What is the purpose of the book for you? The whole structure and the outline of the book can be determined to serve that purpose if we know the reason why the author is writing the book, and who they are writing it for. You’d be surprised how many people don’t think through that process. That’s what we’re very good at. That’s what we work with each of our authors on. We develop a profile of who the book is for, what we need to cover within the book. We help them structure and outline their book properly.

I will give you an example here based on your question. We had one author who wanted to be a public speaker. Inside of her book, she didn’t mention anything about her having the ability to speak, or that she has even spoken. And she had spoken. What I recommended to her, because she was pretty far along, is within the book, rather than telling a bunch of random stories, she told a very specific story how she went to go speak somewhere, what she said impacted the people in the audience, and what happened as a result. A real quick story. Doesn’t need to be very long. Only needs to be a couple of paragraphs. Because she told that story, it illustrated the point that she is a professional speaker. It demonstrates that she speaks, and people get a positive response by her speaking. Guess what a meeting organizer wants when they want you to speak? A good response from the audience, and for the audience to do something with what they learned. They want their speaker to perform to their audience and bring value to their audience.

There are certain things we can do with the outline based on the purpose. You asked your question about stories. Depending on the purpose, depending on the structure and outline also depends how much of those stories or what stories even to make sense to include.

Hugh: Before people melt down and say that’s too much work, let me unpack a couple things. I found it very empowering laying it out in writing. I had cleared a month to write my first book. Those other books were written piecemeal through blog posts or other things I had put together. You have to be careful if you do it randomly so it has continuity. Having a good editor.

The thing that occurs to me is a lot of churches and nonprofits don’t consider branding. What you’re talking about is your branding. Who are you? Who is your audience? How do you show up with that audience? What is your brand image?

I had a brander publish a book called Twist. Her publicist contacted me and wanted an interview on my business podcast. During the interview, I had her book out. We were talking about putting a twist on your brand. I asked her, “How did you find me?” She said, “Your brand really stood out: the conductor that teaches leadership. That sets you out above everybody else.” If you’re having trouble in your charity raising money, getting volunteers, maybe your brand isn’t clear. If people aren’t coming to your church or synagogue, there may not be a clear brand image on what they can expect or who you’re marketing to. What are they going to experience when they get there? Why should they come? Any of those things, do you help people sort that out? Or do they need to come in with a brand ready? Do you help them decide who they are and how they want to show up in the world?

Jeremy: That’s what we help each of our authors and clients with. It starts with the structure and outline of the book first. Determining what is included in all of the chapters. We do a lot of research on book titles. The title is an important component of the book because that is the first thing that potential readers or audience members at an event see. When they see you’re the author of X book, that’s a determining factor to represent who you are. If you have a book about purpose, like Purpose-Driven Life, you know that’s what the author is representing and talking about in their book. If you have a book called Family History Secrets, they are all about the secrets of their family. The title of the book does represent the message and what the author is all about. All of those things need to be considered with the end in mind. That’s why I reference quite a bit with our members, because we coach our members through the entire process, from a blank Word document to published book, is we always do what Stephen Covey said in his famous book, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, is begin with the end in mind. We always look at the end in mind for the purpose and the title.

Hugh: It sounds awfully hard. I did everything myself. I went and found a printer. Actually, I had pitched my first book. Instead of making a dollar, it cost me a dollar, and I made $13 selling the book. They said clergy wouldn’t buy it, but most people had clergy. I put music notes on my cover. My name was big on the cover. I don’t know if I would redo it. If I feel like I want to do that, I would redo another type of book.

All of that stuff. I am looking back and thinking, I wish I’d had somebody like Jeremy Jones guide me through the process. It was difficult. I had somebody proof it who didn’t do a good job. My first printing was full of typos. That is a credibility issue.

Jeremy: It is. What we do is we have the entire process outlined in three phases. That’s how we are basically a guide, guiding people through the process so it doesn’t ever feel overwhelming. We have divided our unique publishing process into three primary phases. Phase one is what we call the create or foundation phase. That’s everything related to who the book is for, the purpose of the book for you, getting the book structured and outlined properly in a simple and systematic way, getting the book written in a time-effective manner because we know most of our authors or members are not writing the book three hours a day. They have a certain window of time they can allot outside of their business or profession. We are sensitive to that. We realize it does take an amount of time, but we want it to be as efficient as possible for each of our members. We have some programs in order to do that to help keep the writing efficient, providing editing along the way to provide feedback and insight for the author. That’s all phase one.

Then it goes to our team of editors to edit it properly so that the author doesn’t have to deal with any of what you just mentioned. Where we have had people come to us and say, “I tried to do this myself. It’s full of typos. I need to get it done right.” Our model is that traditional publishing house level of quality, but each of our authors retains full rights to their book. Everything I just mentioned is in phase one.

Phase two is everything related to what we call packaging it. Packaging it as a product. Professional book cover design. The layout for the paperback book. Amazon and Kindle ebook formatting. Those are the primary three book formats.

The third phase is the book release. When we first start our authors and they are thinking about their release, what we do is help guide them. Let’s do phase one first. Then we move to phase two, then phase three. That’s what we do is help facilitate each of those steps along the way so there is never any guesswork.

Hugh: That’s important. My clients in launching and growing an organization, people don’t know what to do next. They do things randomly, which is not productive. It sounds like what could be a complicated process, you have streamlined what to do next. Is there a lot of I think what holds up a lot of people is they say I have to carve out time to do all this writing. I’ll do that next year. It’s the I’m going to wait until the perfect time. I will do it when… the famous excuse. Why should people wait? Can they get started? Is there a different way to put words on paper? Can they dictate them and have someone transcribe them? Are there options?

Jeremy: There definitely are options. When we are in the writing phase, if the author wants to dictate what they have written, we have a unique process around doing that. It all starts with making sure everything is organized properly. If we have a book structure in place, if we have the outline in place, when the author is dictating something, it’s not random. What creates a high expense for editing, the editing process completely multiplies itself and becomes expensive, when the editor has to go in and restructure and rewrite the developmental edit of everything. What we recommend is to do it in bite-sized chunks. Chapter one is typically broken into about three or five subparts. If the author is going to speak their book and transcribe it, they only focus on chapter one, point one. Then chapter one, point two. Then chapter one, point three. They are only talking about this one thing for a short period of time. That can be transcribed and cleaned up because it’s focused, and it doesn’t need this entire reworking. That piece dramatically deceases the time.

Another thing is the reason that most people take a lot of time to write their book is because they don’t have everything structured from the beginning. What a lot of our authors do is prior to them working with us, is they get an idea and are excited about turning it into a book. They get committed to it. They are on fire about it. They see the impact. They grab their laptop and start pounding away at the keyboard, writing that story and this story. It’s a bunch of stuff they are typing out. Then they get to the point where they go, “Wait a minute. Should I include this in chapter one or four? Maybe this should be later in the book and this should be earlier.” They find themselves for five hours taking this and moving it here, taking this and moving that there, and rewording it. That process is frustrating and time-consuming.

Our unique process we have developed is to help the author develop a proper structure for a book based on industry publishing standards to get it all structured first and then fill in the gaps. The way I like to illustrate this is when you think about a sculptor that is sculpting a big heavy sculpture. If it’s big and heavy, they don’t take a giant glob of clay, plop it there, and start doing fine detail. That’s what people do with writing a book. They don’t write it immediately in fine detail. What a sculptor does is they develop a wire frame of the body of the sculpture, and then they build the mesh. The mesh represents the body of it. Then they put on the clay, which forms the fine detail. If you do the same process when writing a book, first you look at the structure, which makes up all the chapters. Then you look at the chapters, which makes up each of those components for a properly published book. But you get to the writing once that is developed. You are cutting your writing time by a fifth; you will have a fifth of the time it takes to write in my experience.

Hugh: There is always this fear of the unknown. I’ve had people tell me that they have done a series of blog posts and written the book and build excitement as they launch the book. People have read the blog and still buy the book because it’s all in one place instead of strung out into a series of articles. That sounds like a good way to lay it out and think through it and get some real-time response. Do you have a reading on that?

Jeremy: Sure, we’ve had authors who have done that. We’ve had authors who have done that with writing. If your style is you’re more comfortable with writing, that’s a great way to do that. Get to the exercise of writing and putting out blog posts and getting feedback. That’s a great way to start. We have had another author as well who does it through audio forums, the course of a podcast. We’ll have a chapter he wants to talk about, stories he wants to share, through the course of the podcast verbally. He is talking through the content that he wants to include in the book. That is a great exercise as well to speak out the story. Then you relisten to yourself telling the story, and you can very easily type it out, have it transcribed and cleaned up. Sure. Doing that process is a great exercise because you can get some feedback from people. See the response, the engagement, who leaves a comment. That’s a helpful way to do that.

Hugh: One thing I notice is you talk about the title. The title makes me stop when I go in the bookstore. All these books. What first catches my attention is the title. Not only the words in the title, but how it’s laid out. Then I pick up the book, and I look for an index and the contents. If it’s just a bunch of boring copy, that’s a downer for me. I respect books that are laid out with some highlights, some images. I had mine with some little breakout highlighted paragraphs with tips throughout. I look for specific things that say to me it will be an interesting journey when I read this book. The titling is wordsmithing, but the rest of it, the cover appearance, the appearance of the title, and the book, what are the factors that encourage people- I’m talking about a physical book now. What are some of the things that make the book attractive so a person would want to pick it up and buy it?

Jeremy: That’s a great question. The first thing is the book title. The primary title, and the subtitle. I always encourage authors to create a compelling subtitle. The primary title should basically encompass the main thing the book is about. The subtitle should give the readers some additional information to help clarify what the book is all about. That’s the first thing. The image of the book should be simple. Some of the best-selling books are simply all typography. Typography means it’s all text. The title of the book should be clear and easy to read. In most cases, no script. Real scripted fonts are a bad idea because of readability. You want it at first glance to be easily read. Then the cover has pleasing design.

The very next thing, you imagine if you are in a bookstore, is you flip the book open. The book should have a well-written book description on the back of the book, which teases or creates curiosity for the potential reader to let them know what’s inside the book. That’s on the physical book. On the Amazon book listing, we recommend to most of our authors who want to include it is you want to tease to the potential reader what’s potentially in a variety of chapters in your book. Topic #1 would be chapter one. You would let them know what they would get out of each chapter in some bullet points. Giving those bullet points to that potential reader is giving them some insight as to what is in the book. The nice thing about Amazon as well is they have the ability if you are getting the book online to do a Look Inside and see the table of contents.

What we find in most cases is the first line of defense is the book cover. Then it’s the back, which is the description on the back of the book or in the Amazon book listing description. Then once when they are inside the book, it’s the table of contents. That right there also lets you know you need to have a well-written table of contents that also informs the reader as to what is in the chapter. Those should also be well-written. They are almost like many titles of your book. They are titles of your chapters. That’s what I recommend.

Hugh: I threw up a cover. This is my fourth book. It was one of the imprints for the United Methodist Publishing House, which has since closed. They did this attractive cover. It was an anthology, so I had famous people on the front and endorsements from the back from two authors of Chicken Soup. We made it to the second print. What was a mistake was the cover doesn’t have the subtitle. It was Stories of Transformation by Leaders. I didn’t realize until after I had released it that it didn’t have it there. That was a liability. To your point, it looked interesting. They had an artist do it, so I went with it. I do find that I look for what it’s really about.

The other thing is picking the right categories. With Moving Spirits, Building Lives, it’s #2 in the transformational leadership category. I don’t know how it got there because that was mostly by accident. I tried intentionally to get this one to bestseller. Just wanted to say I did it. I didn’t make a lot of money, especially if you go through a regular publisher, you don’t get paid until you get that advance back. Speak more about the artistry of design and how, this subliminal message and attraction thing that goes on to entice them to grab it. Once they grab it, that’s half the battle, wouldn’t you say?

Jeremy: I would say so, yeah. Grabbing their attention first, yes. Once you have their attention, then it’s the book description that takes them to the next piece. The title leads to the subtitle leads to the description leads to the table of contents, which leads them into the book. If they feel like the book would bring them value, that’s when they make the decision to buy the book. Nonfiction books, the value in most cases is something they would learn to improve their life. About 80% of the books we publish are nonfiction. The value to the reader for fiction books is entertainment. Getting them outside of their own reality and their mind to imagine this outside world as entertainment. That is the value you bring to them. A lot of fiction authors don’t consider that, but they have to market it that way when they are looking at writing their book description. How can you paint the picture of the value you will bring to this reader, which is capturing their mind and imagination?

Hugh: I’m positioning a book as part of the overall marketing program for a nonprofit. Is that okay? It’s a marketing tool. There are lots of reasons, but for the purposes of where I’m going with this. It’s part of the awareness. It doesn’t differ for an entrepreneur running a business. Like leadership, the principles are the same.

I’m a speaker, too. Speaking itself is not a sustainable revenue source. You get paid, and it’s gone. What we want to do is have back of the room material. You want to have books, courses, and other things you can offer people, which is a secondary flow of revenue. A lot of nonprofits have a lot of resources, their own and those of others who provide value in the space they are operating. Talk a minute about how a 501(c)3 can use a book to monetize, to bring in revenue.

Jeremy: That is a great question. To answer your question, the way we have seen this work best, because of our model, we have a traditional publishing house level of quality. The author retains full rights, and they earn 100% of the royalties, minus the printing cost of the book. In that situation, where we’ve had two paths here, number one is the expert or influencer would write the book from their perspective, teaching something, sharing a message, and the nonprofit is mentioned within the book. The sale of the books would go to raise funds for a 501(c)3. You could sell a bundle of books to a company. When they buy books, the profit of books goes to the nonprofit. That is one way.

Another way we have seen several of our authors do is the author runs a business themselves, or they are a speaker. But the nonprofit is the sponsor of the book. The nonprofit is mentioned on the back of the book. A portion of the proceeds go from the sale of the books toward the nonprofit. When the author is promoting the book, they can say, “A portion of the proceeds are going toward this nonprofit.” People like to contribute to causes or businesses that contribute to causes. There is a lot of joint venture opportunities that could come from that as well. The 501(c)3 could have donor lists. A list of all people who have donated. They could send a message to the donors saying, “We have partnered with this author. The proceeds are going back to our nonprofit. We think our audience would love this book. If you buy this book, proceeds go.” There are different types of things you could do within the marketing to split the proceeds or all of the proceeds because the author gets paid to speak or a back-end to the book where they are not so concerned about the profits of the book. This can be good. But they get paid on coaching clients, business services, things like that.

Hugh: I have also said there are purpose books that teach people about particular things, how to get out of poverty, topics like that that explain to constituents. I live in Lynchburg, Virginia, where we have a high poverty rate. There are lots of initiatives about poverty. Getting them food, housing, and clothing does not raise them out of poverty. It’s the mindset. The mindset takes us to a very different place. My material is helping people reframe their thinking. I spend a lot of time reframing the thinking for nonprofit leaders. I have seen occasions where a sponsor buys the back page. It’s a helpful book for a certain segment or purpose. They give it away. But it has the sponsor message. They will buy 10,000 books. The company itself uses it for a marketing tool, and there is a mass distribution. Is that a scenario you see much? Does it really work?

Jeremy: To a degree. I would say the most important thing is the sponsor, or the one representing, is in complete alignment with the audience or the reader and the values of the company. With your example, we publish quite a few books for health and wellness professionals or health coaches. I would never recommend they have a big soda company for obvious reasons because they can’t condone drinking soda.

Hugh: Different brands.

Jeremy: And the purpose of the product as well. Coca-Cola, Dr. Pepper, they are not bad companies. It’s just a drink. But it’s not ever recommended by that particular person. If a health and fitness trainer wrote a book and they wanted to have a dietary supplement be a sponsor, perfect alignment. The supplement provider could email or promote or Facebook ads, whatever they choose to do, to promote the book, and it also tells them in the book how to take the supplement, which the trainer recommends. There is consistency happening there. I always recommend looking at, in most cases, there is, there is some sort of consistency you could create, and there is a company out there that would see that as alignment for their brand.

Hugh: It’s the principle I was trying to illuminate there. If their brand is compatible with your brand, and there is value for both brands.

Jeremy: I’d say so.

Hugh: It’s not magical finding someone who wants to do that.

Jeremy: On that note, I also do recommend to not make obvious blatant advertisements on the book. When someone normally gets a book, you wouldn’t see a blatant advertisement. But marketing is something that we’re very focused on with the book. We help with the launch. We are focused on joint ventures. There are easily things you can do to give the reader more value and subtly promote the other company. Using the example of the fitness trainer. Within the book, the fitness trainer talks about using this particular protein supplement. The company is mentioned several times. The author could mention a guide that talks about 50 smoothie recipes to use this supplement with, and they download this guide with these recipes. That company is mentioned, and there is a link you can go to to order this supplement. There are things you can do to not make it an advertisement, but an added value for the reader.

Hugh: It’s only fair. You have several books. Book Publishing on Demand, Power Authority, and Lead Flow. Those are on Amazon?

Jeremy: Yeah.

Hugh: You can also find them on Then you have a podcast. What kind of things do you talk about on your podcast?

Jeremy: The podcast is a lot of fun. We just published our 169th episode. The show is called Ideas and Impact. We interview authors, speakers, and subject matter experts about three big ideas you feel could be really impactful for people if they applied them into their lives, either on the personal side or on the business side. We have interviewed people about relationships, marriage, parenting on the personal side. On the wealth side of things, business growth, marketing, sales, things like that. And on the health side, we have talked about health and fitness, weight loss, all things. It’s similar to like a TED Talk. You go there to listen for something insightful that you can immediately put into action with your life. It’s been a lot of fun.

Hugh: I am sorry I didn’t know about your podcast, but I do now. Is there anybody on the horizon that will be exciting?

Jeremy: John Nemo is on the line-up. He is a LinkedIn expert. Teaches people how to optimize their LinkedIn profile. We mention John David Mann, who is the co-author of The Go-Giver and also Bob Berg, who co-authored it. We interviewed Ivan Meisner from BNI, the largest business organization in the world. That was an incredible interview as well. We’ve had a few high-level celebrity-type people. We have Hugh up and coming. That’s a given, Hugh.

Hugh: I have been having back problems, but I had a shot today, so I’m a new man. Which new man I am. I am eager to find out more. I am going to listen to it.

Jeremy: You can get all the episodes at

Hugh: Jeremy Jones, you are a real wealth of information. We had an author last week, Scott S. Smith, who has written 1,800 leadership articles for Investors Business Daily of all places. Leaders want to know about leaders. It was a powerful interview. I look forward to sharing some things with your audience. This has been helpful. I am reliving my journey of writing a book. I will say to people I spent 40 years in church music ministry. One time, I did a pivot and said, “I am a transformational leader.” I repositioned myself. I went from having my back to the audience as a conductor to facing the audience as a speaker. That was a physical 180-degree transformation. The book was a way for me to be clear on my message. Once I started writing, I found out I knew a whole lot of stuff that was valuable to people. We are in the third printing. To keep the price down, I bought a whole bunch. You can have a print book, but you can do it on demand. You can print a few. You can print a bunch. What are some of the options when you publish a book?

Jeremy: We recommend to start with the print on demand option to get the process going until the author has enough established where they can hold some books on hand, which is a good idea to have some on hand. In most cases, because we run a printing and distribution facility, we can print on demand pretty quickly for our authors. We have one author just recently about a week and a half ago did an event with 200 people. She let us know, “Hey, I am doing an event with 200 people. I am going to need 200 books at this address.” We print them, package them up, ship them to her event. Within about five business days, they can be printed. We can fulfill and do that on demand. For higher quantities of books, make sure there is a good reason to have a higher quantity. You can get some price breaks. We can do that as well. Typically, what we do is start with the paperback. That’s established. The author knows their printing pricing. We can work with that as well. Then we have the e-book version. There is no hard cost there. Once we finalize the paperback and do the release, a few of our authors like to have a hardback version. We do have printing facility capabilities to do that version with a dust jacket, which looks really nice. The printing cost is a little bit higher, but we have worked it out where we can do it on fairly low quantities. We can do a couple hundred books for a reasonable cost.

Hugh: Good to know. There is the paperback, the hardback, the e-book, and the Kindle book. What about audiobooks? Are those valuable?

Jeremy: Those are valuable. We provide some training and resources of how to get that up and going. We don’t provide the services to do that. There is three options. Some of the authors want to speak the book themselves, which we usually recommend as the best option. But they have to have capability to go to a studio, record the audios, and have it cut properly for Amazon ACX, which is Audible’s program for audiobooks. The second option is you can hire a voice actor and pay them up front. You still retain your side of the rights, and you get the royalties from Amazon directly. The third option is you can hire a voice recording artist and split the royalties with them. That’s all built into there. You can choose the royalty option you want. We provide some resources. If the author wants to do an audiobook, we guide them on what is the best option and how it works.

Hugh: That was the audiobook from Barefoot Winery. They were our guest a few weeks ago. They had a whole drama team that did the book. It was stunning. They didn’t spare any cost. They sold the winery. They are marketing experts who accidentally got into the winery business. I never thought about getting a drama team to produce the book. It was a story. That was powerful. They helped nonprofits raise money through their activity with the winery. The book was out there to say this is an idea for you. It’s been a bestseller for quite a while.

Jeremy: I like that. It makes sense.

Hugh: A lot of people do creative things. Books are not dead. I was talking to somebody the other day about how good leaders read. People at the top of their game read. There is no variance to that. They read the same books again over time and mark it with a different color marker because you will see different things when you go back. On my bookshelf, I have a lot of Kindle books, too. Somebody was telling me a physical book, you absorb better. Do you have an opinion on that, whether physical books are better than e-books?

Jeremy: I am of the view that everybody learns differently. When some people learn something new or when they relax, they like to look at the words on a physical paper. I like to do that, too. I like to look and jot notes in the margins or write things down as I’m going. Total focus. If I have a book I want to totally focus on, I will get a paperback. I find that’s the case with most people. When you just want to take a book with you, I have a Kindle app as well on all my devices, I like to have e-books as well to have books I can reference. E-books are great for that, to have a library of books you can carry around with you everywhere. Audiobooks are popular right now. We are starting to get more involved with that, with our clients. That’s a great medium for when people are busy. A lot of business owners listen to audiobooks now. When you’re driving and commuting places, you can listen to audiobooks. You can’t read while you’re driving until we all have self-driving Teslas, which I don’t know how many years that’s out. For right now, we’re not reading while we’re driving, so audiobooks are a great option for that. I think it depends on how you consume information. I agree with you. I don’t think paperbacks, even though we have all these capabilities in different mediums, I really don’t think that they’re going anywhere.

Hugh: I agree. *Sponsor message from Wordsprint* Jeremy Jones, what do you want to leave people with?

Jeremy: For anyone watching or listening, if you have had a dream and a desire to write a book, we have many people say, “I just wanted to write something, to inspire people, to share a message with people.” A lot of people think that contacting a publisher too early in the process. I need to get further along. I need to write out my ideas. I need to get to some point before I explore that with anyone. I think the earlier, the better. That’s what we’re here for. On the foundational process, of making sure all the things work together to meet your objectives for a book. Some people, I say, “Hey, I think this is a great idea for a book, but not now. With where you’re at and what you’re doing, wait until you have this set up or this timing is better.” A lot of it is timing. That’s what we do. We do a free book strategy session with anyone who would like to explore the idea of a book, how it can integrate with your organization, how that could work. We’d be happy to explore that. Also, I run a free Facebook group for the podcast called Ideas and Impact. If you go to, there is a Facebook icon at the top. Click on that, and you can join our free group. I am happy to answer any questions you have or explore the idea with you.

Hugh: Jeremy Jones, this has been a delight. I have published lots of books, but I have learned a lot of new stuff today.


One Comment

  1. Jeremy Jones February 26, 2020 at 5:17 pm - Reply

    Thanks for having me as a guest.

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