Top 3 Ways Media Can Increase Visibility and Raise Support For Your Nonprofit
with Michelle Calloway

Michelle CallowayMichelle Calloway is an International Speaker, Bestselling Author, and CEO of an innovative software and media solutions company called REVEALiO.

REVEALiO helps business owners attract clients through unique, robust interactive storytelling experiences that literally make your message COME ALIVE right before their eyes!

Michelle has been featured in Inc. Magazine, and praised by Kevin Harrington, of ABC’s Hit TV Show, Shark Tank, for providing small business owners with a unique differentiator that creates powerful organic conversions.

She is driven by success and determined to help forward-thinking businesses gain the ultimate competitive advantage by captivating their audiences and influencing buying decisions with media storytelling and interactive branded experiences.

Michelle is also Founder of the Tech With Heart Network, an online business community and TV show. Her Tech With Heart Network further empowers small business owners to achieve rapid success leveraging the power of media exposure and celebrity status. The power of this network can take a new business owner with no pre-existing track record and create instant credibility in any market.

One of the best ways for nonprofits to gain support via partners and funding is to get people to quickly understand and relate to our story. Media and publicity is a very powerful way to convey that story and get it shared across regions and countries. In this interview, I will discuss three powerful ways to use media and publicity (for free) to help your nonprofit gain more visibility and support.




Read the Interview

Hugh Ballou: Welcome to The Nonprofit Exchange, our weekly interview show where we talk to leaders about specific disciplines, talents, and ways that we can improve the work that we do in the nonprofits and churches and community organizations that we are charged to lead. We have a vision and an idea; what we need is the tools and systems to make it work.

Today, we are going to learn how to leverage media and create a story to bring attention to the good work we are doing. My guest today is a long-time friend, and I have just gotten to know her secret power. I invited her to come on because nonprofit leaders need to learn some business skills. Michelle Calloway, welcome. Please tell people a little bit about you and why you are doing the work that you are doing.

Michelle Calloway: Thank you for having me on your show, Hugh. I am delighted to be able to bring my expertise to the table, especially in the realm of nonprofits, because that is where my heart and passion are as well. My background is in digital media and visual communications. What I bring to the table is that expertise, but my heart and my passion and my purpose and my why are all about using technology to enhance human connection. I am about innovation and using technology wisely in keeping ourselves relevant with the times. We are in a rapidly changing digital era. Media and publicity and storytelling are such a powerful tool in the realm of visual communications and digital media, so I am here to help people share their why as I continue to share my why.

I lost my husband early; I was widowed at 34 years old. I leaned into my faith, asking God, “What is my purpose here?” A little later, He introduced me to a technology that flipped my life upside down. I couldn’t sleep for two whole weeks. That technology is called augmented reality. When I saw how augmented reality acts as a portal, even across oceans, to connect human beings in a robust way, far beyond a video chat, I was floored, and I realized that is exactly why I was called to this. I look at relationships as being probably the most important thing we can have while we are here on this earth: building quality relationships and serving one another. This technology can serve as a powerful tool to help get our story there, which evokes an emotional connection and bridges that bond between human beings.  

Hugh: I can feel your passion. Ever since I first met you, you were on it. You love what you do. That in itself is inspirational. I like leaders who are inspired to come on here. Somebody listening to this, whether it’s today or later when they download the podcast, might be having a bad day. They could feel your enthusiasm, even just hearing you speak. I can feel the energy. In that short introduction, you opened several topics. You lost your husband and had a restart. You didn’t get defeated. You said, “There’s something new here for me.” You opened the topic of AI, which is a big topic in itself. Technology and storytelling. You talked about combining those. I have mastered my area of technology because I do my show and my website. But for a lot of us, technology is a curse. There is more to do and keep up with. There are some people who don’t get technology.

What I have seen happen, we’re talking to you after two months of being closed in, staying at home, with the COVID-19 situation. Some of the states are opening, but during this time, Michelle, there has been some interesting things. Some companies have found out that people can work remotely. That depends on technology. We used to have a lot of meetings and travel time. We can still have meetings, but we don’t have the travel time. Let’s talk about how does technology, and even the word “technology,” negatively create a mindset with leaders?

Michelle: I have done a tremendous amount of surveying and found about 96% of small business owners say that technology is their #1 pain point. That is why we started the Tech with Heart Foundation. That is my current nonprofit I am rolling out. What I am trying to do, what I can control, is I can perhaps be that warm, heart-centered leader in the tech space who can guide small business owners and nonprofit leaders toward what it is they should be paying attention to in this sea of digital noise, which is incredibly overwhelming, and soften it and simplify it so that it’s easier to digest and understand, break it down. My role is to enlighten, empower, and embrace. We really are here to support you in whatever it is you’re venturing into. We bring industry leaders to provide quality knowledge as far as strategy around that technology. That is my focus. My goal is to be there for you. There is a lot of information out there; sometimes that can be overwhelming. If you have a specific topic that you would like to see us cover, that is something we would definitely like to provide for you.

It’s a bit overwhelming. I’m trying to be that voice. I’m not young, and I’m not super old. I am trying to fill that void of those entrepreneurs or nonprofit leaders who are saying, “Hey, I want someone who I can trust, someone who won’t talk over my head, someone who won’t make me feel stupid because I don’t know what I should know or perhaps they think I should know.” I want to be that voice for them. Hopefully that answers your question.

Hugh: It does. I remember when fax machines were new. I can remember when cordless phones were new and cell phones were new. I remember when email was first introduced. We keep adding things, but we never take anything away. We added texting to cell phones. There is a lot going on. What I am taking from this is how we cut through all this noise and clamor and have this authentic communication. The constant theme through these shows, whether it’s fundraising or board development, the root of it, which is the root of leadership, is relationship. Talk a little bit about how technology augments/enhances what we’re doing instead of replacing relationship. Then I want to explore more with Tech with Heart. Talk generically about how technology improves our communications and relationships.

Michelle: One of my biggest tools in my toolbox is the power of video storytelling. We all have learning modalities that are stronger. Some are visual learners; some are auditory learners. Some need to read to learn, and others need to experience things themselves to learn. Within the realm of media, I believe that the use of technology through video storytelling is one of the most powerful tools that we could be using to share our story; share our why; share who we are; allow people to see, hear, or experience us through a video screen if we are not able to be there in person; and relate to people that way. Understanding whom it is you are trying to serve, finding out what their pain points are, and addressing those on a regular basis through different mechanisms like a Facebook Live: you can do a three-minute video and share some tips and tricks about how you could potentially help someone with a pain point.

The other powerful way to use video technology as a storytelling tool is to talk to those who you are serving, ask them questions on camera, or do a Zoom call with them, and record that as a testimonial. That social proof is so valuable. That helps you be more relatable to people. They will understand from someone else speaking quality things about you and your organization that they should want to support you, get involved on some level, and trust you. We all want to work with people we know, like, and trust. When they hear our voice, see our body language (because there is a tremendous amount of communication through body language) all that can be perceived even through video. Live feeds through Facebook or YouTube or other apps, you can do some recorded ones.

I am personally not all about the super-polished video. You can go that route if you want to have a quality video, but people actually relate to imperfection because none of us are perfect. I am an advocate for getting out there and sharing who you are and showing up frequently on a regular schedule so people know when to expect you. Give people an ability to tune into you regularly, and allow them to get to know you, even through a computer screen or mobile device. That is my #1 recommendation.

Hugh: It is the consistency of the message targeting the right person. Some people say, “I don’t want to toot my horn.” We are not tooting our horn. We are letting people understand the value of what we do. It’s called impact. Nonprofits impact people’s lives. Impact is the #1 attractor for money. You have to have the relationship. In start-up business, we raise capital, and the investor wants to know the ROI, if they will get the cash they gave. In nonprofit work, we are talking about ROL, the return on life. Money is impacting people’s lives. We get there through ROR, return on relationship. What you are talking about is consistent. To your point, having a highly produced, edited, and glamorous video isn’t my goal either. I just want to get the message out. We have high-quality audio and video here, but that’s a good start. People need to hear us.

There is a misperception on how to use media. I get a whole lot of people hammering me on social media. “Check this out, buy this, do this.” There is a lot of push/push for me to respond. That’s not what you’re talking about at all. Talk a little bit about how we tell a story. What is the formula for that video we are creating? Are there elements that need to be included?

Michelle: It’s always good for you to allow people to understand your why. People will relate to you better if they understand why you’re doing what you’re doing, especially as nonprofit leaders. We are driven by passion and purpose, not so much profit. We want to serve you. We want to serve people. But why? Why? The more you can share your why a little bit here and there, and if you could do one video all about your why and put it on your social media, what it does is let people tap into that why. They can decide if it resonates with them. Is your nonprofit the one they have been looking for to get involved with and support? It’s not about bragging. That is not the right attitude. We don’t go into serving to be bragging. We go into serving to make a difference. If you share your why regularly, that’s important. You can build it in on a golden thread in many of your videos. It should always be an anchor in your story. It’s part of your brand, your why. It should be part of your brand.

On social media, if you just get on there and share little bits like, “Hey, this is what we’re doing today. We are going to serve so-and-so,” and do some live feed at the event or get to talk to the human beings you’re serving and get their input, that is life. That is real. That makes me feel like, “Wow, these guys are forward-thinking enough to realize they need to let the rest of the world in to what they’re doing right then and there.” Allow us to see you in action. That speaks so much volume beyond just a word or a message. That is action. That is reality. That is what we want to see. I recommend you do that on social media.

If you do have an event and are selling tickets to it, if there is any way you can show what the event is going to be like or experienced through other people’s voices, not just your own, that is valuable, too. I cannot recommend how valuable it is for you to get testimonials of the people you are serving. Just share snippets and stories.

I was helping a nonprofit who is doing a lot of service for homeless men. What did we do? We went straight to the homeless and asked them a few questions. How has this particular nonprofit impacted you? We put together those testimonials in a beautiful video, and that speaks volumes. We asked them about their lives before they came into this nonprofit. They talked about how they were sleeping and living in their car, and then I said, “How did you find this organization?” I’m asking them questions specifically to say on camera what I would like to have them say that will beef up the value of that nonprofit.

Hugh: That is key. I do find that a lot of people say, “Give me a testimony” without asking the right questions. What you asked about was here is where it was, here is how it is now. Here is the transition. Here is the impact. Here is the result of our work.

I teach leaders we don’t need all the right answers; we need the right questions. Forming the question. Why don’t you give us some advice on the types of questions? If we will go to an event or after some work we will have an interview with someone. Maybe we will ask them to respond to a question. What are some of the typical questions that we might think about? How do we frame those questions for people?

Michelle: I would always start with, “What was your biggest pain point that drew you here? What was the need that you had that you felt like this would be the place to come and get that resolved?” You are asking them what their pain is. Hopefully they will have no problem sharing that. The next question would be, “Now that you have experienced this, how has this solved that pain point for you?”

I also ask them regularly to drop the name of the organization rather than say a person’s name. When I was interviewing those homeless men, I would ask them not to specifically mention the founder’s name, but to mention the name of the organization. They would start their sentence with the name of the organization “has helped me overcome this by this.” It does help when you are able to ask them questions. That is why I recommend, if you are not able to be there in person to video them, get them on a Zoom and ask them the question there. Zoom is a powerful tool, especially in these times when we are not able to meet in person. You can still get that quality answer that you can utilize in a video to promote the organization through someone’s voice bragging about the service you have done for them.

Hugh: It’s really being clear about who we are and what we’ve done, what we’ve accomplished. To me, if I’m a donor for an organization, and I see the difference that my donation made, even small, that makes me want to continue to donate. That’s a really powerful one.

Storytelling is a bigger topic than the testimony. The storytelling could come from your clients, but it could also come from your staff, your executive director, or from your board members talking about what they have seen from their perspective. Any advice on how we would get those on tape?

Michelle: Same exact way. You would just say, “Hey, you have been serving on our board. Do you feel comfortable allowing me to get you on camera and make a testimonial?” More or less, they will be excited to do that, to support the organization. Media is something a lot of businesses are under-utilizing. It is so powerful. When people are on their mobile devices in the evenings, they are scrolling through their social media. People are gravitated to story. Everyone loves a good bedtime story. This isn’t a bedtime story, but this is our human nature. People relate to each other through story. Whether it’s you sharing your story, your constituents sharing your story, or your board members sharing the story, it’s all story. If you need help compiling all those things into one beautiful sizzle reel (what we call it in the business sector) that speaks volumes about you without you feeling like you’re bragging, that is a very powerful tool, and you can utilize that on social media all day long. You can use it on advertising to drive support to raise funds, to promote an event. It’s so powerful. I can’t speak highly enough about it. Video is such a powerful tool.

Hugh: You can make up a quote that somebody gave, but when you hear them personally giving that quote, it has another level of credibility. And it’s infections. The enthusiasm is infectious. All of this stuff sounds like a lot of work. What I know about nonprofit leaders, we at SynerVision get between 450-650 visitors a day. The search terms in my Analytics, 40-50% have to do with leader burnout, stress, overwork, boredom, underperformance, the anxiety of the work that we’re doing. This goes way before this current COVID crisis. The overwork syndrome, the burnout syndrome. I can imagine somebody out there is listening to this interview saying, “That’s great, but I don’t have time to do it.” What I teach leaders, the transformational leader finds somebody and gets it off their plate. We want to delegate. Still some discernment, how do we work this into our schedule, and how do we get this done when maybe it’s not the first skill of the leader, and the leader is already overworked?

Michelle: For the most part, anybody who is under 30 years old is used to having media devices in their hands. It’s going to be pretty easy to find somebody in your area who you can hire as a gig worker to come in or volunteer their time to cover some of your events. There are different ways to work out that payment system.

You’re right. If it’s not you, the leader of your organization, you don’t have to be the one on camera. I recommend at some level that you allow yourself to be on camera because you are the face of the why, which started the organization. It doesn’t all have to fall on you. You can have a media team or employee who focuses on sharing story and getting testimonials from people. It’s pretty easy to hire out for that kind of thing. Everybody under 30 knows how to handle this. You have devices. You don’t have to buy expensive equipment.

Hugh: Right. I wouldn’t overlook having an under-30 person on your board of directors to be your communications person. In 32 years, I have not worked with any organization who failed to bring up communication as the #1 problem. It’s always a hot topic, and everybody talks about it without doing anything about it. We need something to communicate, and you have given us some great ideas of how to put these ideas together and how to create a pathway to communicate with people. You have mentioned media. You have spoken about social media. Elaborate on what you mean by media and the different kinds of media. How do we create different messages for different media?

Michelle: I am a big proponent of utilizing the press as much as possible: get as much free coverage and earned media. Earned media is when you publish articles to reporters, or free sites where you can post announcements about what your nonprofit is doing. Patch is a local one. You can sign up for your local Patch and post announcements regularly about events you have coming up. That has got a tremendous SEO built into it. You use your certain keywords that you know will drive people, and they will get that information. If you’re having an event, Eventbrite is incredibly powerful for SEO and is free to use.

There are other resources you can utilize through a press release. There are sites you can do free press releases. And there are sites where if you pay a little bit, you can do syndicated press releases that guarantee you coverage on major news networks. This is where you are sharing your value. You are sharing valuable information in an announcement-type article. A neat thing about these paid press releases is you can incorporate video along with your written press release, which is super powerful in relating to human beings.

I highly recommend that nonprofits don’t overlook the power of the press media because there are reporters looking for a good story. I have seen so much through COVID-19 how certain nonprofits are getting some good-quality airtime because they have stepped up and are already sharing what they are doing with the press. That is something most people forget to do, but we can’t afford to. We need as much support as possible. That is free press. You submit an article or make a phone call to a couple local reporters and see if they will pick it up. There is so much there that we are not utilizing. I am a big proponent of the press media.

Social media is a form of press. You can reach big Hollywood stars by sharing a tweet about what you’re doing and attaching a video to it. Try to utilize the press as much as possible. You can even utilize your local newspaper. There is an announcement section that is mostly digital, but you can post a free announcement. If you are part of your local chamber, you can do announcements through them. My favorite is Google My Business. It’s a free resource where you can get top ranking in Google by creating a mini website for your nonprofit. Google will always rank that #1 because it’s Google-owned.

Hugh: Google has Google News. It’s a News feed. How do you get to that?

Michelle: I am not sure about that one. I just know Google My Business is starting to show up a lot more as far as a super guerilla tactic to get your business ranking high on Google without necessarily paying for Google Ads. It’s a tiny website for your business on Google. It utilizes Maps. When people search through Maps for certain keywords, you will show up in the Maps search tool. It’s a carbon copy of your basic services. You could post announcements. You could post offers. You could post events on Google My Business as if it’s a blog right on Google.

Hugh: Can you post your videos there, too?

Michelle: Yep.

Hugh: The videos, you could record them and post them from your computer if they are short. On Twitter, Twitter does have Periscope. I have put in keywords and will fix them later. We are streaming through Zoom onto Facebook live. I will then take this and edit it with our branding and put it up on YouTube. I can post that video on LinkedIn, and I can repost it again on Facebook. I can reference it on some of the bookmarking stops like Tumblr. Google has it, too. There are ways to identify where you can find their video.

It’s important to embed some keywords. I have been analyzing my keywords with Google Analytics to see what people are really looking for. The other top term is, “What is leadership?” A lot of searches with that phrase. “Top 10 leadership traits.” I would call that primary research. What are people looking for? There is some due diligence that nonprofit leaders need to do if you want to attract attention to the videos. How do you put keywords in there to accomplish that? Do you have any favorite tools to help with that traction?

Michelle: If you are going to use YouTube, they have a keyword section. You want to know which keywords and keyword phrases you should use. You can use Google Ads. It’s a free tool to identify what people are searching for and how they rank. Search “SEO tools.”

When you are sharing video on Facebook, I know that it’s far more powerful and organic, and Facebook will share it more in their algorithm, if you upload the video to Facebook rather than if you share a link from YouTube. They don’t like it when you leave Facebook. Facebook is competing with YouTube on that. If you have a business page, which your nonprofit should have, on Facebook, when you upload a video, there is a section where you add tags, keyword phrases. You can do hashtags. Those are some little tools.

On your WordPress site, when you upload video, you will be using alt text and keywords in your titles of your videos. On the pages themselves, you should be able to establish your SEO keywords.

Hugh: There is meta data and the tags. It needs to be relevant to what the topic is. You get rated higher if it’s relevant. That’s a good tip about Google My Business. It’s Find out what’s happening outside your front door.

I am finishing up my term as president of the board of directors of the Lynchburg Symphony Orchestra. We have done these things. We did outside concerts at the retirement homes so people could come to their windows and hear us when we were first quarantined. We weren’t going outside. There was a livestream a couple weeks ago that had 1,000 views the first night. It was doing videos about the video and doing some stories beforehand.

What I do with this particular series, I am streaming live to Facebook from Zoom. I have put up the title and some keywords on the Facebook post. It’s high-quality, and it’s a regular time of the week. Even if they don’t watch it live, they expect new content every week. It’s the consistency of the touchpoints. Rather than saying we will do one whenever we feel like, if you cultivate an interested audience, you want to continue to feed them data, yes?

Michelle: Yes, people like knowing what to expect. It’s like a podcast. You give them new content. Tech with Heart has a TV show on Roku and Amazon Fire that we upload once a month. You don’t want to let your viewers down. You want to be as consistent as possible. But sometimes, you want to pop in and do a live feed. That’s fine, too. If they are not able to tune into the actual live feed, they can watch it later. Facebook records it and makes it available on your wall. You can also push it out through an email by giving them a link directly to that post.

Hugh: It’s remarkable the resources that we have available to us.

Michelle: For free.

Hugh: And we don’t use them. Let’s say I am leading a community charity, and we feed people. We have a lot of people whose lives we’ve touched because they’re not starving. We haven’t done any of this. How do we get started with this?

Michelle: I think you have to make the decision that you will make it a priority. You are doing a beautiful service for humanity. Others need to know about it. What better way to let people know about it than to show them? Words are powerful, but if you can show somebody what you do in action, it’s absolutely priceless.

All you have to do is make the decision that you will have somebody film. If you are dealing with public people, you can let them know that at this event, there will be somebody filming. They can agree to sign a waiver before they enter. It’s up to them if they choose to be served knowing that they will be filmed. If they do not want to be filmed, they won’t attend that particular event. It’s a choice. We do want to protect people. That is something to keep in mind. It’s their choice to attend your event. Be aware of that. There are waivers you can get online that will allow you to be free from any lawsuits if someone did film and you posted it publicly.

When it comes to children, consult your attorney. There are different things going on with children. But if you are addressing adults, make sure that they know they are on camera. If anybody has any issues, they need to leave the room. Maybe you only need to have the camera on for 20 minutes. Just communicate.

Hugh: Another thing to watch out for is music. Sometimes music is playing in the background, and there is a licensing fee. There are bots out there that will shut you down if you have copyrighted music. You cannot play music unless you have paid for a streaming license. That is clear. We have to be careful about that.

You mentioned lots of different kinds of media. What is your particular favorite? If you want to go and learn about somebody else, where would you look first? If you have a story to share, what is your favorite place to share and why?

Michelle: If I wanted to learn about somebody, I would go online. You need to have an online presence as a nonprofit. The more right out of the gate you are able to show people your why, whether it be different pictures that are static with captions. Giving people the ability to capture your essence quickly online is powerful. If they want to dig more, they can watch your 2-3-minute video about your why. You can put on your homepage your blog posts so they can understand quickly who you are. That’s my first go-to. I think that’s everybody’s go-to. We are in the era of digital media all the time. If we want to learn something, we speak it into our phone, and our artificial intelligence engine will take us where we want to go. That’s my first go-to.

If you were to ask me what my favorite is, which you did ask me, I am going to tell you straight-up I was brought into this realm through this amazing technology called augmented reality. What augmented reality is is a cousin to virtual reality where you have to put on those goggles. Augmented reality allows you to interact with virtual content while you are still in our real-world realm. It’s more like Iron Man, where he puts on special glasses and can see all this digital data. I was brought into this as a calling. I saw the power of human connection, even across oceans, through this magical portal called augmented reality.

I’m also a visual learner. I love the power of story through video, but I also love physical, tangible memorabilia. Things that as a nonprofit, when you’re out having trade shows or at events, when people say, “Do you have some more information you can give me?” sometimes people prefer physical items and be visually reminded of who you are and the interaction they had with you. And it gives more information about what you’re doing.

One of the easiest tools is we can carry these business cards. They can be little storytelling devices. Rather than just your information and your mission statement, through augmented reality, I will show you how this will come alive with your story.

This is my personal side, which is my face. When it is viewed through this app, my business card just turned into a story, and it is me telling my why. It’s just a card. And now it’s a video. You can have different images trigger different visual stories through this augmented reality tool. That was my calling. That was my first entrance into this technology realm of helping people enhance their human connection through story.

This is an example of my father who just passed away. A lot of people are passing away during COVID. This physical card can come alive with his living legacy story, commemorating his beautiful life through video. I can show you what that looks like. Nonprofits can do this on their rack cards or postcards or letters in the mail. You can enter their home and come alive with story. If you are a nonprofit, you can have images on your printed material that they are going to take with them. You will show them why you do what you do, and they will never forget you because you just tapped into all four of their learning modalities. You blew their mind away because they have never seen anything like this, where a physical marketing material comes alive with your story.

Hugh: Augmented reality.

Michelle: Yes, a cousin of virtual reality. We call it AR.

Hugh: Different than AI. Behind you, you have this poster, Tech with Heart.

Michelle: Part of Tech with Heart Foundation is me guiding you through this digital era as a business owner and nonprofit. That is at That is our current website.

We also have a Tech with Heart Networking group on Facebook. We bring interview experts to you to help you understand what is working, how it’s working, and what you might want to consider adopting into your business. It’s more of a warm, heart-centered network of entrepreneurs that are coming to a place where they can ask any question and not feel like it’s a bad question to ask. It’s not an intimidating environment. It’s more of a warm referral network where we can all serve one another.

Once we enlighten you about certain things, if you would like us to, we can actually empower you. First, we like to introduce you to a concept. Then we can perhaps open it up for a deeper dive webinar. From there, we can open it up to a workshop, depending on your feedback. You are welcome to join the Tech with Heart Network.

Hugh: I’d come. I learn something every week. Just because I am 73 doesn’t mean I am too old to learn. Patch for local postings is a great source. Google My Business, put up your business page for your entity. That’s important. Making some purposeful videos and getting the story out there. And your AR is And your personal website is She is a very enthusiastic and loving person who is passionate about what she does. This has been very helpful. Is there a question I haven’t asked you so far that I should ask you?

Michelle: No, I believe we covered a lot of really great resources and tools you can be utilizing as a nonprofit leader, whether it’s you yourself or you hire someone. These are free resources for you to share your story through media, be it video, press releases, or printed materials that you are sharing your why and giving people the information they seek so they can come alongside you, support what you are doing, and help continue to thrive.  

Hugh: You mentioned your TV show. I have heard of it.

Michelle: Tech with Heart TV.

Hugh: I’ve been on it.

Michelle: Tech with Heart is found on the Raven International TV Channel within Roku and Amazon Fire. But you can also type in “Tech with Heart” because we are all about empowering you to be successful and relevant in the digital era while we continue to enhance our human connection.

Hugh: It’s a good show. I enjoyed being your guest, and I have enjoyed having you as my guest.

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Michelle, what do you want to leave people with today?

Michelle: People won’t necessarily always remember what you say, but they will definitely remember how you make them feel. Using media to help share your story and get other people to share about the wonderful things you’re doing is the best way digitally for you to evoke that emotion and create that connection and get people to feel something. That makes you far more memorable and makes them want to support you. I encourage you to share more media. Share it via video, Facebook Live. There are so many free, easy tools to use. Keep in mind: Open up what you’re doing to the world and let them remember how you make them feel.

Hugh: Great. Transfer the feelings with the message. Wonderful interview today. Michelle Calloway. Tech with Heart is where you want to go.


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