Effective Decision Making: Thinking Critically (and Rationally) • Cultivating Next Generation Leader Interview with Sam Palazzolo

As a Venture Capitalist, I’ve encountered thousands of leaders that continue to do the wrong thing, when right is available to them. Why? They make these wrong decisions because of typically two reasons: (1) They don’t have all the information necessary to make the right decision – Either they don’t have, don’t get, or don’t know where to find, (2) They don’t ask questions to those that can provide the right decision. These wrong decision-making strategies, unfortunately, get handed down to next-generation leaders as well.

Sam Palazzolo

Sam Palazzolo

Sam Palazzolo is the Founder/Managing Director at Tip of the Spear Ventures, a Private Equity firm that provides early-stage entrepreneurs with venture capital, has a holding portfolio from Mergers & Acquisitions, and conducts Business Funding services.

Tip of the Spear Ventures

Tip of the Spear Ventures

During Sam’s time at Tip, he and his team built the organization into one of Venture Capital’s favorite firms, a sustainable leader, and an innovation early-adopter, dramatically increasing customer satisfaction and growing financial results for the companies they help grow. His greatest achievement, however, may have been to make himself a better leader: he decided to work on his leadership skills relentlessly, and grow the next generation of leaders.

Sam’s purpose in life is to make a positive difference in people around him and use the platform he has to make a positive difference in the world. In addition to serving on several board of directors, he spends time as an Adjunct Professor at the University of Nevada Las Vegas and supporting other leaders seeking to become the best versions of themselves and to lead with purpose and humanity at the Javelin Institute, a 501(c)(3) he founded. He is also actively invested in efforts to advance meaningful diversity and inclusion.

More about Sam at https://tipofthespearventures.com/

To view the 501(c)(3) Executive Education nonprofit — The Javelin Institute — visit https://javelininstitute.org/

To access the Success Questions every leader/organization should be asking about their People strategies, visit http://hubspot.tipofthespearventures.com/speaking

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