The Nonprofit Exchange

The Nonprofit Exchange

The Nonprofit Exchange2023-10-17T20:41:05+00:00

The Nonprofit Exchange Archives

The Nonprofit Exchange

How People Unintentionally Escalate Conflict in Your Nonprofit

Team members who are invested in a mission that impacts communities and the world for good are fueled with passion for important causes. It is normal and healthy to expect conflict, but engaging it meaningfully can establish a safe work culture where all voices are represented. It's not always natural to have these tools available, but I would love to equip your listeners with effective strategies they can implement tomorrow!

What Success Looks Like For Your Leadership Style

"Right Leader Right Time: Discover Your Leadership Style for a Winning Career and Company" and developing the FABS Leadership Assessment. Coming to understand and embrace your highest and best use in leadership is a recipe for enhanced success in career, as well as better collaboration with teammates and colleagues.

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