The Nonprofit Exchange Archives
Stop The Nonprofit Board Blame Game
Watch the Interview Listen [...]
Transformational Philanthropy from the Donor’s Perspective
A nonprofit's focus needs to be on the desired outcomes of your donor (their need to give), rather than the organization's needs (your need to get).
Avoiding Strategic Planning Pitfalls
The world is changing so fast. Why do think strategic planning is still relevant? What are the common mistakes or pitfalls that get in the way of a strategic planning process from being effective?
Leadership, Integrity & Enrolling Others In Your Vision
As the key person in your organization, have a solid vision in that you can enroll all stakeholders. Develop and deploy a call to action that engages your team on specific tasks to execute your vision
Publishing Your Expertise and Inspiring Story to Create Abundance and Hope
Publishing Your Expertise and Inspiring Story to Create Abundance and [...]
Expanding The Reach of Your Message
How do you spread the word about what you do for your community, the country, or the world? What vehicles to use, and what is the cost or knowledge needed?
How to Find More Best Fit Grant Funders for Your Nonprofit
Finding the Best Fit Grant Funders: In the age of big data, it’s more important than ever to leverage any quantitative insight you can around the funders you’re applying for funding from.
Fostering and Supporting Emerging Leaders
Fostering and Supporting Emerging Leaders: Interview with Dorien Porter [...]
Financial Literacy for Board Members
Having the Confidence to Fulfil the Numbers Part of a [...]
Saving Lives: Bridging the Knowledge Gap for Military Service Members and Families
Saving Lives: Bridging the Knowledge Gap for Military Service Members [...]